FoL Music League

Thanks again!!! <3

@Ash is there a way you can remove imaginaryflopon from the league now that he’s banned


Wait, I had him down as OrangeAndBlack.
What the heck?

Ok, he’s been removed.

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this mf youbutworse gave the dream smp song 2 points and me none… we officially have beef again


ftr the illa goddess of death submission was bc i genuinely listen to that sort of music for drifting

it’s dreamy to me

perhaps nobody else in fol thinks about metal like i do

says more about ur song than it does about me

if u diss The Senator’s Daughter one more time im gonna come to illinois and beat u up myself

it wasnt BAD it just wasnt for me
i never dissed it its jsut not my thing


the dsmp song was better yours just actually fit the theme

senator’s daughter was mid as hell

Turn Back Time getting four votes from Daeron was crazy and I think it’s just because the song is electronic

I was judging the playlist by “how good do they fit as background music as I wander through London” because that was my inspiration for this category. Metal…isn’t exactly a top contender for that.

Ehhhh. The vocals and backing track were really good honestly. It reminded me a lot of bubble tea which I love
Were the vocals “drifting” in the sense of drifting along with life? No - I didn’t consider that until I read your comment on the song. But drifting to me is a weed trip, not “going with the flow” of life. That was my standard when considering the catfit was “how likely am I to listen to this when smoking”
I also hadn’t interacted with dream SMP at all. I completely ignored the whole dream saga that most people in this community were having, which cleared me of bias for the allegations that Pandora mentioned etc, and YBW also prefaced their comment by mentioning they didn’t know about dreamSMP either and coincidentally they were 2nd top voter

It was a great catfit. It was also the most tolerable of old music for me (since it’s the type my dad has conditioned me to)…

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I didn’t take this into consideration (but I loved dsmp before Dream turned out to be a bad person so I had heard the song before LOL)

oh that’s :sob: :sob:


“tolerable” is such a good word to describe senator’s daughter actually