FoL Music League

(ok tbf i havent listened to most of these so maybe i’ll like some lol)

okay I’m listening through the songs I don’t know and maybe you have a little bit of a point

…how is this artist popular?

i was wrong to judge a playlist by its cover tbh

Ok honestly on me to not submit one of the songs on here I literally listen to it constantly i cant believe i didn’t think of that

i think theres a fair chance ur talking about my submission lmao

there are like 2 completely different music tastes in this league and its split pretty evenly lmfao

I subbed like last minute lmfao

I took my 500 song playlist and shuffled it and subbed the first song I got


honestly I hope it’s yours so I can make fun of it knowing you won’t take it personally

because this song… um… it sure is a song!

we deserve what we get with this playlist


sulit probably i love u


whoever subbed the Hit Me Baby One More Time cover missed a golden opportunity to sub the obscure fountains of wayne cover


I love her too

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im so excited for next round cuz i feel like i have the perf song & i love it sm

wait fuck actually theres a second song i love just as much

I have no clue if you guys are thinking I subbed what I did but I hope you are lmao

This was a brutal round for people.

i accidentally subbed the version of my song I don’t like as much :pensive:

If it’s the song I think it is, it’s still a really nice version.