FoL Music League


how do you feel about this

I’m not very recognisable nobody recognises my songs

Here’s the thing about study music for me. I need to be doing minimum three things at once to be happy. Two things at once to not go completely insane. And calm music, background music, the kind of thing people usually call study music, that only counts as 0.5 things. Studying is 1 thing. And you’ll notice that’s only 1.5 things, so if I’m only listening to music and studying that will probably cause met o start pulling out my hair and burning the skin off my fingertips and such.

Okay, then add another thing. But what? I’m already listening to something, it’s difficult to listen to two tihngs at once (I don’t have the way to rig my computer to pan audio to different ears anymore), my hands and eyes are busy with studying, there’s not much left. I can sometimes remedy by this by being in a lecture or having a conversation (different audio source from hte earbuds, so I can double up), but if I’m not, I’m fucked.

This is why it is generally preferable to me to put something else auditory on instead of music. Like a lecture or a video or something. That I can think more about.

If I do listen to music while studying, it has to be very interesting studying and very interesting music. And that’s the polar opposite of what most people look for in study music…

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its been like 2 hours

the lesson here is that “music to listen to while doing X” prompts are simply woat


it sounds pretty silly until i remember that atlas has only heard two songs from me and one is 1800pain

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Taking that as a challenge.

brb gonna listen to pregnant sonic style

You can’t. It was almost lost media

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:sob: video game round nerfed me by not letting me submit youtube videos

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mechanicus had to be the pick due to how fucking good its sound direction is. even though it scored poorly. it’s okay. it had to be my pick

There were better picks for Splatoon music IMO but I wanted to pick something I genuinely remembered liking from the game rather than m elooking up music


There’s a song called We’re So Back

Also I refused to pick anything long because I can’t stand listening to non interesting music for too long personally and I don’t want to inflict that anybody

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The Side Order music is nice but 5 minutes

…also does anyone know who fame or fortune is
im a bit concerned it could be a banned user

I think it’s probably fine

Like these aren’t even 5 minute long songs they’re looping it slightly… it’s extended

Very fun track though