FoLermon: Ultimate Showdown - First Round - 7/8

FoLermon: Ultimate Showdown

Enter a world full of adventure! In this world, humans and FoLermon live together in harmony. Draft a team of your favorite FoLermon and enter the biggest tournament! Do you have what it takes to become the FoLermon Champion?

Let me teach you more about FoLermon. Each FoLermon has a type. The type represents what types of attacks its resistant to, and vulnerable to. Additionally, if you use a move that matches the type, you gain a 50% damage increase.

Each FoLermon has 1 or 2 types. It can use attacks to damage your enemies. Each move (attack) is of 1 type. Each move of a certain type deals 100% increased damage to the type it’s strong against. Each move of a certain type deals 50% reduced damage to the type that resists it.

There are 7 typings in FoLermon:


Each of these is strong against the type below it.

Here is a graphic to illustrate:

The inverse is also true, each type resists the type above it.


There are 48 FoLermon to choose from. Each of them has 3 moves. Two fighting moves, and Protect. The Protect move is as follows:

I won’t be listing it for every mon to reduce clutter, but every mon has it.

Here is an example info panel of a FoLermon:


This is Arctic. He has the Homophobic and Smug types, which grant him resistances and weaknesses.

He has a 50% damage reduction versus Gay attacks.
He has both a resistance and weaknesses versus Mod attacks, which cancel each other out. So they deal normal damage.
He takes 100% more damage from Troll attacks.

He has 2 fighting moves. Argue, which is of the Smug type, which deals 30 base damage. Since it matches Arctic’s Smug type, this damage is increased by 50%, so 45 damage. And then it might get increased or decreased further, depending on the enemy target types. I am British is his second attacking move. It has the Gay type, which Arctic doesn’t have, so it has no S.T.A.B bonus of 50%. He also has the Protect move, just like every FoLermon.


Here are all of the mons for you to choose from!

List of all mons

Game Structure:

We start with a draft, in which 8 players take turns drafting a mon until they’re all taken. All 8 players will then have a team of 6.

The draft order of the trainers is randomized. It will then follow a zig-zag progression, as shown in the graph below:

We will then play a best-of-1 single elimination tournament, as shown in the graph below:

The matchmaking is not random. Instead, trainer 8 (the last pick in the draft) will get to choose their opponent, after the draft is over. Then trainer 7, 6, 5, and so on, until all the initial pairs are made. They also choose their initial square, for future matchmaking

Finals will be best of 3

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Battling tutorial:

It’s time to fight! What now?

The game will be played just like Pokemon Doubles.

After the pairs are made, and you see your opponent’s team, you privately send me a PM telling me:

  1. Which 2 of your FoLermon will be your starting ones
  2. Which 2 of them will be on the bench, in reserve, for this battle
  3. The last 2 will be sitting out for the entirety of this battle. You can’t use them

It’s 2v2, with each player having 2 more in reserve.

Each turn, you must choose one of the following, for each of your active FoLermon:

  1. Use a move and pick a target
  2. Switch it out for a mon on the bench

Switching takes priority above all. Then Protect resolves. Then the normal moves resolve.

Your objective is to knock out all of your enemy FoLermon before they knock out yours

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Very important:

The 2 differences between this game and Pokemon are that:

1) Every FoLermon has 100 HP. There is no speed stat. The FoLermon with the lowest HP moves first. Ties are randomized.

2) Choice rule: After a FoLermon uses an attacking move, it cannot use its other attacking move, until switching it out. It may still weave in Protect; Protect isn’t affected by this rule. After switching out, this resets. Basically, like the choice items from Pokemon

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Niche mechanical problems and resolutions:

  1. If a FoLermon is supposed to attack an enemy mon, but that mon has fainted, the attack isn’t wasted, and instead it will be redirected to the other enemy mon.

  2. Anti-stall mechanic:

After round 50, if game for some reason isn’t over, the game ends, and the winner is determined in this following priority (go down the list until a valid match):

Has knocked out more mons than enemy
Has more total HP currently on field than enemy
Flip a coin

  1. You may attack friendly FoLermons. You may not have a mon attack itself

  2. tutuu’s “always move first in priority against orange” goes first, before Amelia’s “always moves first”

  3. If tutuu uses “Explode” on a non-orange FoLermon, and that mon switches out to orange, Explode still gets the boost and resolves first (in case my wording wasn’t clear)

  4. Round to nearest integer when rounding is necessary

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24 hour timers whenever it’s your turn to make a submission. I am lenient with time extensions when people are busy or forget. Starts when filled!!

Winning gets you multiple amazing prizes!

They are as follows:

  1. You are crowned FoLermon champion. You are, the very best
  2. You will receive a reserved spot for the next FoLermon game, so you can defend your title
  3. You will receive a drawing of you and your winning team of FoLermon, made by me
  4. You get to write a victory quote, that I will quote in any future renditions of the game, so that people remember the Champion
  5. The FoLermon representing you will be the strongest one for the next game
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Players, ordered:

  1. Hazardwaste
  2. orangeandblack5
  3. Daeron
  4. YoubutWorse
  5. Marshal
  6. Ash
  7. Chomps
  8. Willow
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idk why “i make u sandwich” is one of mine
but im /IN this is funny



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[pedant voice] shouldn’t it be a 50% reduction? it’s a resistance, not an immunity

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Ooooh yeah thank you! :orange_heart:

Yeah, 50% reduction. Fixed in OP

Why isn’t Tutuu ascribed the smug attribute when we already know your expected response to my anticipated protestation and the outcome of how that interaction would go down?


my game my rules

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I’m getting bullied so I’m changing Jaiden’s name to Tom York

Just clarifying if anyone is confused which FoLer that is