excuse me
I don’t think the game will let us
What if the real success is the friends we made along the way
I am trying
I suck
I like funny
why not
Yeah, this might be worth going to later. But since it is 2nd level, might be better to wait when we have less days and can’t go anywhere higher.
I predict we die the instant anarchy mode starts
My route:
Armory → Plant → Nest
then we pick optimal things from there based off of what we grabbed
I predict anarchy mode starts the instant we die
/summon Jesus
Armory is for little babies
I’m fine with Armory but nobody liked it when I suggested it
Reason I didn’t go for a top floor was because for whatever reason I thought the odds of success were lower
anyways memes aside what are we trying to achieve exactly
are we supposed to be finding junk or actually arming people
/go armory
We’re supposed to be suffering
We trying to prepare for final battle by finding machines that help
later stuff appears to be good when we have things to interact with it
military we can give stuff to (like explosives)
signals allows us to better prepare for onslaught
crystals is probably a super weapon of some kind
/go armory