or just the room in general to see if there’s anything lying around that we can take
In some cases.
oh, ok
can we send the gnomes that are following us to do one thing while we do another?
No, that’s not a part of gnome culture.
why are we helping the gnomes again?
/go crystal
why crystal?
we should go plant
we need plant
Cuz they most likely give perm upgrades. At least thats how crystals usuall work in this type of stuff from my experience.
maybe we should go to the steam to see if there are any upgrades for our steam powered armor
so magic crystals?
we do need to find wheat to make bread
see u get it
there could also be poison plants to make poison bread to feed to the dwarves/dragons.
I’m sold
/go plants
but the thing about is is that the magic crystals are second level, much easier to get later.
plus I don’t know if we need mining equipment to get the crystals.
bringing this back up
What is its not the plant as in actual plants.
And instead it’s the plant as in a factory.
Man get time