Forum Avalon - Mission 4

Forum Avalon

Host: @Garfooled
Co-Host: @whatdafucc
Reviewed by: @ElizaThePsycho

Avalon is a game in which 5 to 10 people are divided into two teams: resistance and spies. There will be 5 missions; on each mission, the resistance tries to avoid letting Spies into the missions, while spies try to get on missions.

General Mechanics:

  • Players will take turns in order as the Leader. Each turn, the Leader suggests a number of players (determined based on round and playercount) to go on a mission. Everyone will vote whether or not they want that mission team; votes are private at first but are revealed once everyone has voted.
    → It is generally recommended to reject missions you are not on and approve the ones you are on. This is not a hard rule.
  • Then, after votes are revealed, and if a majority approves, the players on the mission will individually choose to Succeed the mission or to Fail it.
    → Though Resistance members cannot Fail the mission without actively gamethrowing, they must still check in with the host, such that it is plausible that they Failed it when they submitted. Spies may choose to succeed or fail as they desire, but choosing to Succeed is recommended only if you desire to remain hidden, which you probably do.
  • A single failure on the mission results in the entire mission failing. If so, the Spies are one step closer to winning. No failures result in a succeeded mission. If so, the Resistance is one step closer to winning.
    → Resistance players know how many spies fail a mission. Generally, spies have devised that if they know multiple of them are on a mission, the player who is first on this list (based on role) will fail the mission, and the others will succeed: Oberon > Assassin > Morgana > Mordred
  • If the vote is No, the team is rejected and then the next player in the turn order becomes the Leader. You may not skip your turn.
    → If you reject four teams in a row, the next Leader’s choice is automatically approved.
  • Resistance wins if 3 missions succeed, and Merlin and the Lovers are not identified in the Assassination Phase.
  • Spies win if 3 missions fail; however, if they should lose, they have one last chance to identify Merlin or the Lovers and win the game in the Assassination Phase. See below for more details.

Summarized Role/Merlin Mechanics:

  • Merlin knows who every Spy is (but see Gawain and Mordred for potential interference), but must remain hidden to win the game.
  • Percival knows who Merlin and Morgana are, but not which is which.
    → Morgana will typically try to appear to be Merlin so that Percival trusts her.
  • If the Resistance succeeds 3 missions, the Assassin will reveal themselves and attempt to identify Merlin (or both of the Lovers). If they are successful, Merlin (or the Lovers) dies and the Spies win instead. This is the Assassination phase.
    → Spies will get discussion time to decide their shot but the Assassin gets to submit the final decision.
  • At high playercounts, the Lovers, Tristan, and Isolde will also be added, and can also be shot as an alternative to Merlin. They only know each other but are less vulnerable to the Assassin as they must both be guessed.
  • Based on playercount, Gawain and Mordred may be included in the game as well. Merlin thinks Gawain is a Spy, but they are not; conversely, Merlin does not know Modred is a Spy, but they are.

Lady of the Lake Mechanics:

  • At high playercounts, the Lady of the Lake may occasionally provide insight as to player’s alignments.
  • Upon the first success of any mission, the Leader who provided that team will choose a player to gain the Lady of the Lake’s blessing (or just blessing, for short) before the next round.
  • When a mission failure happens on any mission, the player with the blessing will choose a player and learn their alignment. Then, that player receives the blessing and may use it if the next failure does not end the game.
    → If the first mission is a fail, then the blessing is only able to be used once, as the 2nd failure triggers it, and the 3rd failure ends the game.



Merlin, The Resistance

  • You are good and all-knowing of evil around you except Mordred
  • You will also see Gawain, a resistance member, as evil
  • Use your ability to detect evil to lead good to victory. However, be warned that all will be lost if evil finds your true identity.

Win Condition: Succeed 3 missions without getting yourself or the lovers shot as a pair in the Assassination Phase.

Percival, Resistance

  • You are good and know the identity of Merlin. Your objective is to protect him at all costs so that the likes of evil cannot get to him.
  • But beware, Morgana can also disguise herself as Merlin. Choose who you protect wisely.

Win Condition: Succeed 3 missions without getting Merlin or the lovers shot as a pair in the Assassination Phase.

Tristan, Resistance

  • You are good. You do not know who the agents of evil are but you know who Isolde is. There is evil lurking around and your job is to slay evil by attending missions so that evil cannot.
  • Use your knowledge to gain advantage. Isolde is also a resistance. But beware, if you are caught being lovers with Isolde by the spies, all will be lost.

Win Condition: Succeed 3 missions without getting Merlin or yourself shot as a pair with Isolde in the Assassination Phase.

Isolde, Resistance

  • You are good. You do not know who the agents of evil are but you know who Tristan is. There is evil lurking around and your job is to slay evil by attending missions so that evil cannot.
  • Use your knowledge to gain advantage. Tristan is also a resistance. But beware, if you are caught being lovers with Tristan by the spies, all will be lost.

Win Condition: Succeed 3 missions without getting Merlin or yourself shot as a pair with Tristan in the Assassination Phase.

Gawain, Resistance

  • You are good. You do not know who the agents of evil are. Merlin does not know you are resistance as you are disguised as a minion of Mordred for him.
  • Your job is to convince Merlin you are his loyal servant and attend the missions to succeed them.

Win Condition: Succeed 3 missions without getting Merlin or the lovers shot as a pair in the Assassination Phase.

Res, Vanilla Resistance

  • You are good. There is evil lurking around and your job is slay evil by attending missions so that evil cannot.

Win Condition: Succeed 3 missions without getting Merlin or the lovers shot as a pair in the Assassination Phase.


Mordred, Spy

  • You are evil. You embody evil itself which allows you to hide from the likes of Merlin. Use your ability to deceive Merlin into thinking that you are a part of the fight for good.
  • You know of all evil around you except for Oberon.

Win Condition: Fail 3 missions or shoot either Merlin or the lovers as a pair in the Assassination Phase.

Morgana, Spy

  • You are evil and You have the ability to disguise yourself as Merlin.
  • Your objective is to blend into the crowd of good and manipulate Percival to protect you and not Merlin.
  • You know of all evil around you except for Oberon.

Win Condition: Fail 3 missions or shoot either Merlin or the lovers as a pair in the Assassination Phase.

Assassin, Spy

  • You are evil and your objective is to identify who Merlin or Tristan & Isolde are.
  • Obtaining this knowledge will allow you to swiftly cut them down, allowing you and your team members to win if the good guys succeed all three missions.
  • You know of all evil around you except for Oberon.

Win Condition: Fail 3 missions or shoot either Merlin or the lovers as a pair in the Assassination Phase.

Oberon, Spy

  • You are evil and you do not know who the other agents of evil are and they do not know your identity.
  • Your objective is to descend the world into darkness by attending missions so that others cannot.

Win Condition: Fail 3 missions or shoot either Merlin or the lovers as a pair in the Assassination Phase.


  1. @Leafia
  2. @Jarek
  3. @Kiiruma
  4. @Frostwolf103
  5. @childe
  6. @Hippopablompoyeetus
  7. @Hazardwaste
  8. @Marluna
  9. @IcetFeelsPain
  10. @Chomps

Picked Missions:

  1. Hippo picks Hippo, childe, Kiiruma
  2. Mission 1 succeeds
  3. Marluna picks Marluna, Hippo, chide, Kiiruma
  4. Marluna’s pick gets rejected
  5. IcetFeelsPain picks Hippo, Kiiruma, IcetFeelsPain, Jarek
  6. Mission 2 fails
  7. IcetFeelsPain cards Kiiruma (Kiiruma gains card)
  8. childe picks childe, Kiiruma, Hippo, Leafia
  9. Mission 3 is successful
  10. Leafia picks Leafia, childe, Kiiruma, Marluna, Hippo

Vote History (This will be updated):

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This game begins 2024-12-11T21:00:00Z.

We have 10 players in the game, therefore the mission player counts will go like this:

Mission 1: 3 players
Mission 2: 4 players
Mission 3: 4 players
Mission 4: 5 players (needs 2+ fails to fail)
Mission 5: 5 players

Mission 4 is the only mission that requires 2+ fails to fail.
All of the other missions only need 1 fail.





yello hello hi :heart: :two_hearts:

no one else camped the game start im the only true resistance member here

or you just eager to participate cuz you are part of the spies…

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could be

im just bored

The games begin. @Hippopablompoyeetus, pick 3 people to go on a mission! You have until 2024-12-12T21:00:00Z before you’re given a warning!



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hippo so bad they gave him 1.1 stars


I understand the star, but what the thunder represent?

The last pick of this mission, If it doesn’t get approved then bad guys win the game.

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Claiming Avalon D1

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Chomps is a spy. Understood.

That sounds like a spy would say, Hippo can just pick whatever except this one.

first 2 likes on this post go on mission with me