Forum Avalon - Mission 4

Picking yourself?

Yeah can I not send myself on misions?

Surely youā€™d always want to send yourself

This is possible, yes.

Alright, so early on people tend to not want to out evil by failing missions in a game like Avalon.
But considering the Lady of the Lake mechanic, this case might be different.
I look forward to knowing more.

@Frostwolf103 you should like Hipā€™s post :3

I will attend on a different mission, I want to keep eye open for spies. Right now I am not interested to make an impression yet.


Pick me or Iā€™ll report you to merlin


Shall i just vote for me kiiruma childe then?

Iā€™ve never played this before has someone else

Sorry guys that was meant for the game before Eliza reviewed it

This is what actually happens:

The final pick is automatically approved

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I say the first mission should be used to help us gain info.

And rn thereā€™s no information on anybody.
So any choice is as valid as any other.

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Many a time.
The first round is typically an information round for games such as this one.

The lady of the lake mechanic does switch things up a bit in comparison to games such as The Resistance since typically thereā€™d be no motivation to fail the first mission.

I see nothing against this as an opening team.
Currently we have no information.
Or well, some might have limited information with regards to some other bits.

Also even if you propose this team others still get to vote if to send it or not.

in the end its fully down to you. pick where ya heart goes.

This is my pick please @Eddie


Hippopablompoyeetus has picked @Hippopablompoyeetus, @Kiiruma, and @childe to go on Mission 1.

Post ā€œApproveā€ or ā€œRejectā€ in your rolecards.



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