Forum Avalon - Resistance Win!

You need three more players.

So far, so good…

is this an evil team speculation?

ugh you’re right
i might add childe instead


no for the next mission
im merlin they’re all good

Because I am good and I think socially one of the more trusted players.

then why ICet gained the blessing over you?

Kii is res yea

Jarek is the spy

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Icet is the assassin they accidentally showed me their card

Because Hip gave it to someone not in Node 1.

Oopsies I meant to show it to kii

i still don’t really get why hippo gave the blessing to someone outside m1
if he’s res himself wouldn’t it be more likely that it gets given to another res inside m1 instead of outside

this is so not jolly

Alright cool.
So unless people want to build me + Icet I think things are pretty interesting now.

As there’s (at least) 1 wolf in [Icet, Jarek, Hip] with it being most likely to be within [Icet, Jarek].

I think Icet’s claimed result is NAI, as if Icet were a spy then tries to 1v1 me would be less likely to succeed than to go against Jarek or Hip (Moreso building the narrative against Jarek)

hmm true

I could card Jarek say they’re spy and aur naur card #2 is wasted

he didn’t believe M1 was pure.

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I think as a spy, he would have greenckecked one of his teammates.
(he was never forced to choose among the M2 players, but he decided to do so anyway.)

Childe who are you nominating?

im sure icet is evil i just wanted to see what they’d do with their check

I reckon one of Jarek/Childe is mordred along with chomps (oberon) and frost (morgana) and icet (assassin) so lets just do eveyone else who isn’t them 5.