Forum Mafia First Person POV Gameplay and Commentary

fol is family dear magnus nothing to be scared of ^-^

id love to watch it!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

You make it sound like a cult.

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It worked this way in my family


If you laughed at one of my dad’s jokes, and it was a real laugh (no faking), you got a quarter

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wait so if i laugh at one of your jokes. i get a quarter. for it was the other way around

Yeah I owe you a quarter now

You can both be correct and owe each other a quarter.
But Australia doesn’t have quarters so Hazard needs to give 50¢.

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you can’t just say this and not post it


I mean, I can.

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you’re such a god damn nerd emoji


Perhaps, but at least I’m no Arete. That counts for something.

no you’re different breeds of nerds

arete is just geeky you’re “erm ackshually :nerd_face:


youre a border collie

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The former implies social awkwardness and the latter suggests a tendency to supplement and interrupt others with breeds of corrections or knowledge. I will not deny this.


there’s another definition

very knowledgeable about and interested in a particular subject, especially one that is technical or of specialist or niche interest

You’re correct, actually.
I confused the technical definitions for Geek and Dork with one another. The latter is the mean label, I really fumbled that.


what am i (there is a correct answer)

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Yorkie terrier

im not allowed to say on fortress of lies dot com


Maybe the wrongesr answer

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