It’s ok, everyone else is gonna take 20 turns to match. Trust
I can’t wait for me and Eliza to think we won on the final round because we got it in 1 guess only for our opponents to pull out some crap like “-3 guesses”
Eliza maybe if we guess the words before they hand out the new word pairings for the next round we could theoretically get 0 guesses
I finished mahjong
It’s been 7 years
I’m pinging everyone! It’s the final three. Fuck you. It’s Word Match 3.
@Chloe and @MarshalEliminated round 2 -
@Luka and @IcetFeelsPainEliminated round 4 -
@Arctic and @tutuuEliminated round 3 -
NBGVCR (@Arete and @Vulgard)Eliminated round 1 - idk yet I’m thinking (@katze and @Lumi)
- :wowee (@ElizaThePsycho and @Intensify)
@eevee and @orangeandblack5Eliminated round 1 -
AZRAEL STRIKES BACK (@YouButWorse and @snowe)Eliminated round 2 -
@Myrddin and @RenEliminated round 4 -
Words of Radiance (@nutella and @Whysper)Eliminated round 1 -
Nya (@Marluxion and @Litten)Eliminated round 4 -
homiecat (@sulit and @beancat)Eliminated round 5 - Foggy Acorn (@Neblig and @Squirrel2412)
@Wazza and @minEliminated round 3 -
@iaafr and @IllweiEliminated round 2 -
@Silviu200530 and @thepigeonnycEliminated round 1 -
mvp2 most vertical primate (@fraZ0R and @otterpopd)Eliminated round 6
As a reminder, our currently-competing teams, one of which must tragically die:
- idk yet I’m thinking (@katze and @Lumi)
(@ElizaThePsycho and @Intensify)
- Foggy Acorn (@Squirrel2412 and @Neblig)
hey look it’s the title of the game
these were not the people i was expecting to make it to final 3, including myself and eliza
Loved the part in the Word Match movie where May told the dead players “Fuck You. It’s Word Match 3” actually genuinely one of the greatest moments in cinema history
One day you should go backwards may
If you make it to f2, and they get it in one, they auto win
i feel like, that shouldn’t be a thing in f2, wins should be fair and square
Concern and Compound seems cheap
Not as cheap as some of the previous pairings! We randed that one like 5 times
now I’m wondering what the previous pairings were
Honestly I think the original “different / compound” was harder we just didn’t think of. Compounding concerns. Because we were focused on chemical mixtures
yeah my mind immedaitely said chemical before I noticed the last
“Faint” and “solo” was determined to be too easily “May”,
What happens if both teams get the same number