[Game End 2/13] Diamond Arc Crossing - Town Wins by Sorc Moment

you can always write your way into being a vanilla role lmao

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I don’t think it was a mafia slip.
And secondly while it’s a weird thing to say it seems they misunderstood stuff so just let it go for now.

But now everyone (I hope) knows the setup or at least to read the setup properly.

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i will either convince the hosts to give me my own objective, or i kill literally everyone

unless you cant kill as a good guy then that’ll be sad

hi Kiiruma!
and I agree with you ftr, I think it was a possible townslip if anything
probably NAI but I think it would be a bit dumb if mafia didn’t realize they activate everyone’s abilities

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the terminology

not againnnnn

Hey there Wind, I don’t know if it was a townslip or not but I think they slipped some fact which has been aforementioned and shouldn’t be brought up again, y’know?

So let’s just drop the whole thing which happened but keep it in your mind lightly

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you can kill as a town member in this game, but the town revolutionary protects town members from being killed by anything other than the mafia factional kill for two nights
so like, if you try to vig someone and they’re town, they aren’t going to die unless the revolutionary is dead or it’s N3 or later

Not Alignment Indicative.
Aka not necessarily townie or scummy


NAI = not alignment indicative (neither towny nor wolfy)

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im going to kill the revolutionary.

plot twist: you’re the revolutionary and you accidentally blow yourself up

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or maybe that wouldn’t be accidental


plot twist: you’re the revolutionary and i blow you and myself up

Small glossary of terms (People can remind me if I miss something important)

VT - Vanilla Town - The closest to this is Town Journalist
VM (Also sometimes said as MG) - Vanilla Maf / Mafia Goon - Closest to this is Mafia Critic (Essentially equivalent of Journalist)
PR - Power role - A role with an ability. Although all of the roles technically are PR, the ‘main’ PRs are Town Revolutionary and Mafia Diet.

LAMIST - Look at me I’m so townie - Usually refers to a person being overly pointed at themselves being town. E.g. ‘I’m town because I voted (x) and they flipped mafia’. Usually is used in response to pressure. Or in the case of Leafia, used when they post.
OMGUS - Oh My God You Suck - Usually when someone votes someone already voting them or susses someone who susses them. Some townies still do this but it’s a thing people like to pick up on for maf.
Main Wagon v Counterwagon - Person who’s the majority voted v next most. Usually people fixate on these 2 and people on them. Usually good for interaction analysis.

NAI - Not Alignment Indicative - Not townie or scummy.
Townslip/Scumslip - An accidental give away of something which is towny or scummy without it being forced.
FoS/HoS - Finger of Suspicion / Hand of Suspicion - Slight sus / Harder sus.

Some more terms are used in other games. If they are I’ll update this and post it should there be newer people

Also some people may say a post is bad instead of saying it’s scummy. This usually just refers to it not being a good post and at the same time suggests the post is NAI.

@Sharklifter (and any other newbies in the game (I’m not looking at OP since I feel like there’s many names I didn’t know well))




I like Shark so far.

you’re now off the hit list

or maybe i can make my kill random

Randomize it.

tbh a random kill target is probably ~safe if we don’t vote out the revolutionary on D1

