[Game End 2/13] Diamond Arc Crossing - Town Wins by Sorc Moment

what is a multiball game :thinking:

ah, i should do the typical thing here
self-vote and AtE (appeal to emotion)
vote myself and make everyone feel bad about voting me so they stop voting me
works like a charm don’t actually do this

I have one. WIFOM. Wine in front of me. Meaning doing something so that wolves will need to guess what you’re doing or risk missing a nightkill.


like saying ‘‘im the town revolutionary’’

but your not

a game with more than 2 factions with wincons that involve killing each other (town, mafia, and wolves for example)
neutrals/serial killers don’t count as far as i know


wait self voting works in this one?

my master plan is starting to form

oh boy i made this overly confusing
mafia and wolves are usually the same thing
but in a multiball game i mean you might have a mafia faction and a werewolf faction that have separate win conditions and have to eliminate each other and the town

like da coven

that sounds fun i wanna play that though there is no neutrals therefore it is 7/10

WIFOM can also be done by wolves to make the town guess. It’s just a fancy and roundabout way of making people doubt whether what you’re saying is true or a lie.


Neutrals and NKs don’t count as an extra faction when it comes to multiballs, no.
Based on normal throne of lies talk it’d be if both of the evil factions (Unseen and Cult) were in game at the same time.

There’s 1 FM I remember with a multiball and yet I can’t remember the name of it.

Myself and Luxy were the multiball faction. I died, attached myself to Ici and used that to trick them into trusting me. Ici was a SCP iirc.


That’d be a fun mode, both start with 1 and gotta go up

Though sadly nobody can actually play a game unless its scheduled so :c

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there was one on MU and it was just called Multiball 19er iirc

I’m not on MU.
It was on the old ToL forums 100%

i miss playing ToL tbh
it was good fun

was it the first SCP FM?

… Probably I guess lol.
Iirc my flavour was M Bison though

i think its the game i have the most hours on, played it since beta

game felt a lot more fun tbh at kind of beta and that even if it was the most unbalanced thing ever

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Both started with 3 in the game I was in. Although the villagers still only lost because they weren’t being smart at all.

classic town tbh

Although Unseen was the village faction and the scum factions were BD and HoB.

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