Game of Chicken FM - "Pre-Signups"

Game of Chicken

Hosted by @Zone_Q11
Co-hosted by ???
Reviewed by @ElizaThePsycho


  1. Follow the Forum Game Rules.
  2. Post a minimum of 10 game related posts per active phase.
  3. Fail to heed the former rules more than twice, and you will be subbed out or modkilled.
  4. Hosts have the privilege to add and/or remove rules in the future, except the first rule.

General Mechanics

  • This is an open setup. There are 11 Town Vanilla and 3 Mafia Goon.
  • Day Phases last 48 hours unless majority is reached early. Night Phases last 24 hours.
  • Mafia members in Mafia Chat may communicate during both phases.
  • Factional attacks are mandatory and not assigned.
  • Action deadline is one hour before phase change.
  • The host will announce when XYLO occurs.
  • The game starts when the player list is fully filled.

Special Mechanics

Vote Mechanics

  • Use the latest voting format.
  • Plurality: Whoever has the most votes at the end of a phase will die.
  • Majority: At any point during day phase, whenever a player has >50% of all (public) votes, the day will end and all votes will be tallied. The player with the highest vote weight will die.
  • In case of a tie, a random player within the tie will be executed.
    –unless [No Exe] is also tied, in which case [No Exe] will take priority.
  • [No Exe] is a valid vote, and may be hammered to end the day early.
  • Self-votes are considered valid votes.
  • Votes are locked in LYLO.

Player List

  1. @/Chomps
  2. @/Leafia
  3. @/Frostwolf103


Informed Spectators

  1. @/Zugzwang
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i completely forgot that i reviewed this game



we must keep the liar’s fortress alive


ETA on start?

When player list is filled, and same time as Kakegurui: 10:00 PM.

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still can’t join yet but maybe if it takes a really long time to fill

/spec for now :pensive:

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The deadline is in 14 days, so… you have until around 12/12/2024. (I removed one day “just in case”.)

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Sounds fun and interesting. /in


That’s terrifying.


is the day-vig a factional ability, or tied to the first mafia member to join the chat? (relevant in case they get executed)

Tied to first member.
Does not show on flip.

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Brush up your social deduction skills

A zine game that has no roles. Interesting

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Damn i’d absolutely join this if i had time rip
Looks hella fun


[enter mafia chat]
[shoots the guy you give the 1-shot Cop to]

Dang it.


Can’t join because finals, but this is a neat game.


Just now occurring to me that a lone wolf can falsely claim the 1x cop to confirm themselves as such to all the other mafia.
I don’t know how useful that is in practice, but it’s certainly an option.