Game of Chicken FM - "Pre-Signups"

if this is canned will it be put back in the queue :pleading_face:

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it’s been more than two weeks, this game is Canned (it can go back in the queue)

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Also proves we cant handle more than 1 game

Let’s get this over with.

It will take a couple of months before this game will resurface. Instead of waiting idly for that to happen, I’ll open a poll to see whether there are even enough people interested in this setup to begin with.

If there are 14 people who are not interested in this setup, then I’ll cancel the game immediately so we won’t have to waste even more time in the future.

Are you interested in playing this game?
  • Yes, as a player
  • Yes, as a spectator
  • No

0 voters


IMO it’ll fill
Ice cream mafia appeared to have significantly less hype behind it, and it filled with the same playercount in only a week

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does this mean it can’t be used after D2, and therefore if no wolf enters by then the dayvig is lost?

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how illegal would it be to theorize the best wolf strat to join the chat pregame


actually it’s almost impossible if womlves don’t know each other im dumb

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I do have some theories about optimal play, but I’d rather not say them for now thbthtbthbthbth :face_in_clouds:

With even number of players, day vig appears pretty weak, because it won’t decrease the number of miseleminations mafia has to make.

If mafia abandons day vig, they get the missed extra kill after MYLO when everyone votes sleep anyway.

Optimal play for mafia might be - never join mafia chat until one mafia gets eliminated. Then remaining two wolves join.

(I could have made a mistake or missed something though, didn’t read that carefully)


Didnt think this one through


was about to respond saying that doesn’t work too well but. yeah


optimal play is to sic the cop on top wagon who’s also not going to show up for the last hour of EOD



Would mafia be allowed to do proxied/conditional actions? IE:

“Join mafia chat at [time] and shoot [player], if no shot has taken place by this time.”

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wait clearly the optimal play is to have everybody give hypothetical mafia checks as to if they’ve joined wolfchat who their partners are.

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this seems not robust against a single wolf flip


oh that’s actually possible

I’d probably add the restriction that the cop must be given to a player who lives that phase (and give the mafia the opportunity to submit a second name during the day, if their top choice gets executed)
There’s definitely other reasonable ways to resolve it though

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Standard rule is to disallow targeting dead players.

Sounds niche. I’m allowing this as a valid strategy.

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