[GAME THREAD 6/13] Risky Light Game: Featuring Rain - Day 4 - Mafia wonnered

I’m not going to be delusional and assume my PoE of 4 has all three wolves simply because I’m not that good lol
However I’m presuming highly on one and hoping for two

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I find myself good at finding towns and I can establish a good town core-

And get myself night killed for it. :eyes:

But I normally misclear 1 wolf so you’re not alone.

Pretty sure we can get something established that’s game winning.

This post feels weird but it might just be my brain doing things it does when it’s 2:24 AM
On that note… goodnight.


Only me boasting, I do that often. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good night. :slightly_smiling_face:



frog’s not an alt

I don’t think this changes how I feel about the slot but I feel dumb and should probably reread just in case that subconsciously affected how I feel about the slot


11 (my first double post of the game :open_mouth:)

frog reread

This reasoning is a bit flawed (if anything, I think who shows up at SoD is time zone indicative rather than alignment indicative), but I don’t really think making that argument is AI either way.


@Frog we played in the marblelympics game together

the one with nic cage

it’s okay if you forgot my slot was kind of forgettable tbh

the fact that we were scumpartners that game would be a lot more helpful if
a) I actually remembered anything from that game (I think my slot died before I got to post :stuck_out_tongue:)
b) it weren’t a team game
c) it wasn’t a solid year and a half ago

but maybe I’ll reread that game later :man_shrugging:

I like this post. It’s direct and to the point without coming off as abrasive or arrogant. Tonally I think it doesn’t feel forced, though this might just be frog’s post style.

This is a bit hedgy, but also made pretty early in the game so I suppose that’s fair.

^^^Plus that sentence itself is also a bit hedgy, so I can’t really say anything.

already commented on this but

just want to reiterate that it’s absolutely hilarious and I don’t find it performative


okay at first I thought this was entirely fluff but upon reread I realized this is a long and convoluted way of asking Aelin who she’s suspicious of

which is kinda weird but also oddly in keeping with what little I know of frog’s personality so… yay?


are spoilers considered defensive?? feels like a reach to me

(yes, I am aware that this is supposed to be a frog iso and not a pigeon iso, but I thought it relevant)

this post should clear frog as town imo

I’m pretty sure a wolf would make an actual conclusion, or one of their scumpartners would come up with ‘analysis’ based off of it

though that last paragraph does feel pretty awkward so maybe not 100% clearing as town but I think it still adds to the t!frog case

this is an underrated point that I admittedly completely missed the first time through

do you think cloned has tmi on pigeon?

@Frog has your meta changed significantly in the past year and a half?


I think I just spent an hour of my life towncasing a consensus townread

sometimes I don’t make good choices

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Voted Voters Votes
Professor Aelin 1/7
Magnus Trochilidae, Leafia, Thepigeonnyc 3/7
Thepigeonnyc Professor, Frog 2/7
Bradland clonedcheese, illwei 2/7
Not Voting Gorta, EliThePsycho, Bradland, Magnus, Squirrel2412 5


Reminder that the day will end at 2021-12-01T00:00:00Z and the 50 post cap will be lifted at 2021-11-30T23:00:00Z.

/Pres vote Bradland. (changed.)

Voted Voters Votes
Professor Aelin 1/7
Magnus Trochilidae, Leafia, Thepigeonnyc 3/7
Thepigeonnyc Professor, Frog 2/7
Bradland clonedcheese, illwei, Magnus 3/7
Not Voting Gorta, EliThePsycho, Bradland, Squirrel2412 4

– Insanity

Okay…what in the fuck.

Actually never mind.

If I go over Day 1 kill Cheese on Day 2.

Just vote me and I’ll have more votes against me than you have against you. It’s not suspicious if I’m already suspicious, you could either be jumping on a bandwagon as evil or scumreading me as Town, or preserving yourself as either alignment. :man_shrugging:


You know what, I’d rather /Vote ClonedCheese. At least I actually scumread Cloned for my own reads and analysis, unlike this vote.

I like this post a lot, while I think Leafia is hard to read this post does make me think you have some town points

do you mean based on reasons not feelings?

I don’t like Professor and I think Bradland has some town points

now now, funny story, I got distracted. I haven’t played much FM reliably in months. A few games here and there, but I have to fall back into habits

I really did have exactly 5 posts, but uh I don’t think it’s entirely necessary for people to list the number of posts they are on. You can always check your post count by clicking your own name and with good enough note keeping it shouldn’t be an issue

I’ll try to generate more reads over night, but for now I’m just going to vote professor

/vote Professor I simply don’t like this slot

I’ll give y’all more tomorrow, but just give me a bit of time to get back into the FM mindset

Good to know that I’m nothe only one that fund that post hilarious.

I figure right now would be a good time to let everyone know where my head is at too

Leafia readslist

clonedcheese: Towncore as his RT that potentially caught Brad just doesn’t seem like something a wolf would do. I feel that a wolf woul argue that either their read was real or not say anything about it while using t as an opportunity to Shade and/or start a Brad push. This is the member of my towncore that I’m the least confident on.

Frog: Towncore: His solving has a villagery feel to it that I honestly like but the thing that cements him as a member of my towncore is how he stopped the push on me that was obviously wolf motivated. It’s something I can’t see a wolf ever doing when the wolves obviously wanted me to get yeeted there.

BradLand: Null. I’m notoriously bad at reading this slot and I tend to think he’s a wolf in every game. This game I think I’ll wait for some flips before attempting to read his slot. That should make it easier I think.

Aelin : Hmmmm, townlean: Shw has a thought process that I find villagery but also hasn’t’t done that much in the thread from what I recall. Still willing to townlean her for now though.

Squirrel2412: Null: I don’t recall enough from him to make a read on him.

illwei: Slight scumlean. I don’t really like his explaination for his read on me, but I can potentially see it coming from a.villager. I do find the fact that he hasn’t done anything with his read on me strange though. I’m not sure what to think of him dropping his read on me either.

Leafia: The member of the towncore I’m most confident in being a villager. Call me wolfy if you want for not explaining why, but I’m feeling a bit too lazy to do so. She’s branded town so many times in a row now too that I’m starting to doubt that she’ll everrand wolf ever again.

Magnus: Scumread although never w/w with Pugeon. Hi vote on me seemed super opportunistic and his explaination for it seemed like a wolf thing to backpedal.

Gorta: Null. Hasn’t really done anything of note yet.

EliThePsycho: Null. I honestly don’t remember much of anything from him. Maybe due to concentrating on other slots.

Professor: Towncore dependent on if I’m right about his identity or not. If it’s who I think it is, then the way they’re acting is a way they never act as a wolf and he’s very good at reading me.

thepigeonnyc: Scumread but never w/w with Magnus: The other one who almost got me yeeted. His posts have been terrible if he’s a villager and from past game with him, I know he’s capable of much better if he’s villager. Saying that, I feel that he’s squarely in his wolfmeta right now.

Trochilidae: Very slight wolf lean. On the surface their posts look fine but something just seems off about them that I can’t quite explain and it’s weirding me out. Like they’re trying a bit too hard to appeal to everyone without it seeming like they’re doing so. I couldhinestly see this flipping either way.

That being said, there’s a very slim chance that Magnus and Pigeon are both villagers so don’t just assume that the other one has to be a wolf if one of them flips villager.

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