[GAME THREAD 6/13] Risky Light Game: Featuring Rain - Day 4 - Mafia wonnered

Ok but he’s not reacting like a villager getting told he’s exhibiting wolfy shit either
So like

do you see the same methodical behavior during this eod?

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I think they are doing exactly the opposite of that this time around, and I think it was because I was right
They are trying too hard to be the good guy and rally everyone and it looks incredibly forced



what’s your take on the current wagons?

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Soren vs. Felix moment

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But I know a villager wouldn’t feel awkward about it, and a wolf would, but he doesn’t
I would have more confidence on this read if I knew whether this was just Magnus’s personality

Soren vs. Felix?

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how do you feel about magnus?

okay thank you
gorta- what i have more opinions on than him being on the wagon is why he’s not here rn
i’ve been expecting him to pop in any minute screaming about how we should all sheep his gutreads and i’m not seeing that which is slightly worrying
leafia- i don’t remember how they joined the wagon ngl @Leafia did she just sheep me? if so then why i need to hear her reasoning

Squirrel, I have given my thoughts on both of these players very recently, my Magnus post was around 60 posts ago

Did you just not see it?

I think it’s Soren Kierkegaard? The father of existentialism

I dunno who felix is tho

I can’t quote because the thread is locked

ok i’m saying this before game starts or anything’s randed
some of u may know but most probably don’t
i’m a part of a system (this refers to someone with DID/OSDD i highly recommend looking those terms up)
in short i guess you could say i have “multiple personalities” that’s the easiest way i can get across
switches between who’s here and present are uncontrollable and can last anywhere from hours to days
due to my condition if this happens there will be obvious tonal and typing differences, this is completely NAI and we don’t want it seen as either wolfy or towny it just Is A Thing
memory isn’t perfect across all the alters and there’s definitely some forgetfulness though i’ll do my best to keep everyone as informed as possible
to make this as easy for you all to handle as possible we’ll be signing each post and will alert y’all if a switch happens while in game

if there are any questions ask away before thread gets closed or just dm me on discord if you don’t see this until after thread close

so uh yep that’s it

(From trochi, in the signup thread)


read signups thread

No it’s not

bad mood yesterday better mood today

They are both @Trochilidae

I’ve been scumreading Magnus ever since he helped push me to L-1 with Pigeon.

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does gorta not normally pop in and say random shit? that’s my recollection

I think that was one of the ones I skimread

I’ll see if I can find it

Voted Voters Votes
Magnus Aelin, Trochilidae, Gorta, Leafia 4/6
EliThePsycho BradLand, Frog 2/6
Trochilidae Professor, EliThePsycho 2/6
Leafia Illwei 1/6
Not Voting Squirrel2412, Magnus 2

The day will end at 2021-12-04T00:00:00Z.
