[GAME THREAD 6/13] Risky Light Game: Featuring Rain - Day 4 - Mafia wonnered

I didn’t read this post and now I’m going to be scumread and of course, killed D1

which one is you

what exactly was the point of this post?

my name is Soren, and i prefer they/them pronouns. i believe this was discussed previously.

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rest in RIP @thepigeonnyc :pray:

Also @Magnus is liking my posts
:point_right: :point_left:

Wedding and a funeral?

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… I was joking but has this forum heard of the term frozen?

meh NAI

W a h o o

Have a townread

NAI solving, toeing the line between towny thought process and scummy overenthusiasm

We may have a new inductee to the “do not read” list

Leaning more towarda “town that i dont like the playstyle of”

Too aggresive but ive learned that these players are aggresively solvey as town

I like this one
Forcing people to explain their positions and not throw shade is a plis from me

Brad on thier end explained why they thought it was sketchy here:

Like this explanation and seems to have a very direct line of thinking so far. Still null as i think they can fake it, but a good look.

W o w this is hedgy as fuck

Feels like Leafia’s trying to desperately squeeze something out of that post

Two very good points from this brit here
Welcome to my “do not read list”

No vibereads
Come back with evidence please

Do not read list but will comment anyway
Most people having a hard defend this

FUCK i was not done

Cool thats what i wanted to write

Will be back w the rest

Dear Frog

Yes. Actually, the person we usually describe as frozen is in this game! I’m not going to say who it is, though :stuck_out_tongue:
Regardless, I’d say it’s far too early to be calling anyone frozen, considering that outside of the top four posters (one of which is the host), there are 40 posts. This is an interesting outlier because there’s a pretty low postcap (for this forum, at least. some of our games have gotten into the ten-thousands in just a few days) so that’s obviously going to affect that. 'Cause of the postcap, I’m going to do my best to not judge based off of inactivity, and can entirely see pigeon just trying to peek their head in and confirm that they’re here before going to sleep.


WhOA whoA

These two are


Yes and i am a strong opponent of that term and its usage

Its usually a bullshit way to throw shade at an inacrive player

That being said two separate people voting Leafia to L-2 and dipping is defonitely not a good look; if you cant do stuff justice, then wait until you can

Would vote one of magus/pigeon if not for the fact i am also going to sleep and i would prefer not to start a wagon before disappearing for 11 hours

Am here for a couple more mins


finally, some sanity here. i’m still reading through the thread however i believe we’re along the same line of thinking here- may i ask if you agree with my earlier point about Magnus?

as for your second point. i will save you the trouble.
@Host_Account_2 /vote Magnus

I disagree with the reasoning, especially this one:

Im not sure that I see it as someome going “shit i have to do something”, rather “oh this is an easy target”

I think the vote comes from a lazy scum more than a panicked scum, but scum nonetheless.

I also just saw this post:

If im not mistaken this kind of “oh im gonna die” sarcasm (is that the word?) from pigeon is scum AI


/Vote: thepigeonnyc @Host_Account_2

If this flips mafia then Leafia is spewed town.

Voted Voters Votes
Professor Aelin, Frog 2/7
Magnus Trochilidae 1/7
Leafia Illwei, Magnus, thepigeonnyc 3/7
Thepigeonnyc Bradland 1/7
Not Voting clonedcheese, Squirrel2412, Leafia, Gorta, EliThePsycho, Professor 6

— Insanity

Can’t sleep and just had to say this upon reading u ppl. Please don’t give me a heart attack like that. I was all the way up to L-1 less than 6 hours Into D1. If even one wolf had come in during that time, they could’ve quicklynched me ending the day there. Use some sense town, although some good came of this. I think the way Magnus came in and just plopped a vote down on me bringing me to L-1 with no explaination of why he was scumreading me was extremely scummy. That’s not something I can see a villager doing honestly. /vote Magnus @Host_Account_2

Now back to bed with me. :sleepingleafeon:





Dear Aelin,

I was delighted to receive your message. Thank you the scoop on the frost! I’ll keep my eye on the thermometer, I have a feeling things are about to heat up soon. Speaking of keeping an eye out, is there anyone special you have your eyes on? Spill the deets!



peepee poopoo

This Start of Day is weird…