[Game Thread - ENDGAME 2/17] The 'Supa Mario' Sorcerer17 - Mafia Wins

no it was the one post earlier asking arctic what the goal of his posts as scum were

arete does the “why did you do this” question a lot as scum

but i dont think they’d take that specific angle of questioning as scum

/vote ClonedCheese @Host_Account_1

Hopefully I did it right? :eyes:

Good timing, cloned just got here

I’m good at doing that.

/vote Marshal @Host_Account_1

Back from solar car poker night


Why is this specifically villagery and not just arete being arete

You may have something but you’re not communicating it


Someone translate for me what this means

W hat

Marshal be having too many eyebrow moments from me

Dont make me bust out my claps
Dont do it


Seeing the Arete/Wazza thing around #300, ot gonna comment on this since things seem a little heated :confused:

This is
A thought

Personally im more on arete’s side here - skimmed through the wazza/arete stuff but their behavior looks like me going “whoa i finally go something haHA” but better

This post sets me off tho cuz it’s a weird response to vul’s accusation - they’re not accusing that Arete is not questioning wazza, only that the questioning is fruitless

Arete or Wazza+Vul is what I kinda get from this

We have like 10 strong players all duking it out D1 and im scared cuz i cant read any of them aaaaa

[quote=“Arete, post:410, topic:277”]

…guilty conscience?

Tf does “high engagement low impact” mean for alignment

If ur gonna scumread me try harder so i actually have points to fire back with instead of just OMGUSing

Suggest you read vulgard for other things
Im like 70% sure that read wad a joke


TL;DR: what the fuck

Current vote is marshal or wazza, but will actually vote when i have a clearer brain


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i have returned as the prophecy said i would

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Just because it doesn’t affect your read, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read it, I had posts directed towards you, questionless or questionful, all that mattered was the fact that you ignored it for no reason, you didn’t read it whatsoever and if you did, you just skimmed right over it for no apparant reason.

This isn’t your fault, I’m more on the whole thing that caused our argument in the first place when you took what I said literally instead of as a joke which is what it meant to be. I didn’t want to bring it up again, but if I’m honest, causing an entire argument between us is something I’d like to keep there in the light.

You see, you not responding to all my posts isn’t the problem, the problem is the fact that there was no hint of you reading them whatsoever as proved by later posts where you asked questions or assumed situations that had already been explained before then, the problem is that it doesn’t feel like you’re trying to change your read whatsoever in the first place and you are instead trying to push on me, there doesn’t feel a tad bit of evaluation towards my slot when it’s just me and you interacting and you said it yourself that you didn’t feel like they affected your read on me, yet later on after those said posts you questioned me on things I had already talked about or messed up during it. I’ve played with you for quite some time and you are definitely a Town leader, I really don’t see you ignoring posts if you are Town because I believe you’d give a chance for evaluation or to see if posting is better, no matter if you believe it won’t be alignment indicative beforehand.

small question

when you say something isn’t a read when it looks like you wanted to mention it, does it mean the post is a joke?

Can you explain this a bit more? Moreso with quotes if you can.

My bad, it was late at night and I had been awake for too long so wasn’t reading things properly I guess.

I don’t really know, on one hand I think you’re Town for your push but on the other hand I think you can very easily be scum going for a quick push, while now it’s obviously my bad with what was said about it, you didn’t really respond to me disliking your push very much and I’d honestly like to know why you didn’t.

I’d still like you to read it, in fact I’d like most people to read it considering most of the reason I dislike Arete’s posting this game is in there.

basically, tldr

I quizzed Atlas on his Sorc claim
Arete questioned me on why I did that
I told them that I have stated the reason quite a few times but I explained my reason more in depth anyway
Arete continues to question me until they insult my playstyle
I retaliate and then leave the thread
I return to thread, question Arete, ya da ya, I don’t really know what else is important apart from Arete consistently ignoring my posts as stated higher up in this post itself anyway.

I mean, it proves Mist’s point, either way Ciconia, Umineko 1 and this game are all different games so comparing them all together is a mess waiting to happen, but I got your point and I’m guessing Arete did as well.

BradLand posts a lot and personally I don’t like quoting them all:

post 238 isn’t even a confusing post, it’s me making a joke about the new site and that Arete still doesn’t put explanations for their votes in!! :newspaper_roll:

Can you explain this further in itself, I feel like this just makes even less sense based on what you talked about

just to state I’m reading downwards and saw this afterwards but I’m including it anyway just to stay involved.

Why do you not think I’m scum?

Most of Arete’s posts are literally just their argument with me.
I feel if you actually read the post themselves, you’ll change your mind on this.


Where’s the correlation, why am I included in the players you would like to vote, you didn’t even speak about me apart from saying I’m possibly partnered with Vulgard and for the large meat of my posts, you didn’t want to comment on, and if you saw something scummy about me, you would comment on it anyway.

ur outed wolf


I probably should’ve been specific but that wasn’t your post that was just the point where I was in the game.

Can you provide reads that you have currently?

apology for poor english

when were you when outed wolf?

i was sat at home eating butter when mist ring

‘outedwolf is kill’


and you???


I’ve not been trying to read people so uhh, I’ll probably have to get onto that

The only reads I’ve acknowledged both in thread and to myself are that Arete can be Scum, YBW is a strange case to me and I’m honestly unsure and Cloned has just done something that has made him a scumread of mine as well.

Wait, really? I thought I was tame compared to the rest of the people on the site. :joy:

wow the site really curtailed my overuse of question marks wtf

i’d answer this post but it’s 12:40 am and im feeling insecure

oh let me restate

You are pretty tame compared to people on this site lmfao, I’ve had almost 2k posts in a single game

what’s the good word friends

any interesting developments that i should know about

Sorry if i dont explain stuff correctly, brains mush rn

Ill explain more tnrw but tldr i thought vulgard was kinda defending u and the guilty conscience part