i think arete is significantly more likely to ignore outed wolf completely than they are to bring him up all of a sudden at that timeframe, especially as a suspicion, if arete/outed wolf are w/w; this is based on my perception of arete’s wolfgame
so basically i’m saying arete/outed wolf aren’t aligned
that’s another mildly unaligning post between them so yeah it adds up a little
would lock it in if outed commented on arete at all but either way i’m comfortable enough with putting this on the list
and then you have this
so yeah unalign
wolf arete has no reason to bring outed wolf into the spotlight like this if they are partners
the thread at large was completely ignoring the slot
arete could too, and in my opinion, they would
i think this is super unaligning with arete and wazza both
i simply don’t think leafia writes this post while having either of these people on her team
this would be handled in scumchat, and this is very unlikely to be a wifom post specifically designed to make me turn it into an unalign lol
too quick and too blatant to be a townread on a partner
yes i know it’s a joke but i still think the self-awareness wouldn’t have allowed him to
i think this assessment of arete vs wazza is yikes and tmi indicative
leaning toward this being unaligning on both sides
i actually like this take on brad
doesn’t unalign them but i like it
arctic isn’t a wolf with: marshal, youbutworse
arete isn’t a wolf with: atlas, leafia, outedwolf, wazza, youbutworse
atlas isn’t a wolf with: arete, bradland, cloned, eli, wazza
bradland isn’t a wolf with: atlas, mistyx
cloned isn’t a wolf with: atlas, marshal, min
eli isn’t a wolf with: atlas, leafia, wazza
marshal isn’t a wolf with: arctic, clonedcheese, wazza
min isn’t a wolf with: cloned, youbutworse
mistyx isn’t a wolf with: bradland
outedwolf isn’t a wolf with: arete
wazza isn’t a wolf with: arete, atlas, leafia, marshal, eli
youbutworse isn’t a wolf with: arctic, arete, min
arete atlas and wazza are approaching a spot where i think they’re villagers based on the sheer number of people they’d be spewing town if they were mafia
cloned’s unalign with marshal is weak, his response to my initial push on him was weaksauce, his treatment of arete vs wazza is yikes, and i independently townread the two people he’s unaligned with more strongly than with marshal, so yeah
cloned’s probably a wolf
mistyx and outedwolf both notably lack unaligns but it’s also directly tied to their low presence in this game so far so i don’t think that’s very significant
brad/arctic/min having few unaligns despite having a decent presence might be significant but i’m withholding judgment on that one
narrowing down what wolfteams can plausibly exist in this game based on people’s interactions with each other
marl being mafia isn’t too unlikely considering he has 0 unaligns, and he’s also townreading me when nobody else is (i’m pretty sure), so i could buy it
kiiruma / marl / hippo have 0 unaligns and the only player there who i independently townread is kiiruma so this grouping probably has at least one wolf and that wolf could reasonably be kiiruma who i awarded too much credit
or marl or hippo really
or there’s more than 1 wolf in here
i mistakenly unaligned brad and mistyx on my previous list
there was an interaction between them which i initially thought was unaligning (mistyx’s initial push on bradland) but then their interaction turned into something i could see wolves having so i removed my comments about it but forgot to change the list accordingly
correct list:
arctic isn’t a wolf with: marshal, youbutworse
arete isn’t a wolf with: atlas, leafia, outedwolf, wazza, youbutworse
atlas isn’t a wolf with: arete, bradland, cloned, eli, wazza
bradland isn’t a wolf with: atlas
cloned isn’t a wolf with: atlas, marshal, min
eli isn’t a wolf with: atlas, leafia, wazza
marshal isn’t a wolf with: arctic, clonedcheese, wazza
min isn’t a wolf with: cloned, youbutworse
outedwolf isn’t a wolf with: arete
wazza isn’t a wolf with: arete, atlas, leafia, marshal, eli
youbutworse isn’t a wolf with: arctic, arete, min
Is this not a really weird and roundabout way to deduce, why aren’t you just looking at people you scumread instead of numericals of number of aligned people.
Like I don’t think I saw Vulgard doing this during Min FM but it was a much smaller game, annnd I’m not sure what this benefits for him as scum other than “busy work” this game.