[Game Thread - ENDGAME 2/17] The 'Supa Mario' Sorcerer17 - Mafia Wins

i give up

i read it and didnt agree with it nor did i really care what it said because I still think you dying helps town overall because your slot will be resolved

Marl istownreading me. He’s confirmed scum! j/k

Bomb me and we can bitch about these fools in deadchat


that’s a marshal outing as mafia and bombing vulgard prob


dont know what other context makes sense here

marshal outs as mafia and bombs herself, feeling guilt for the town


im gonna close my eyes and type random letters and whoever it sounds the closest too is getting bombed

(realistically I think I do just go back to hippo and kill him i think his slot needs to be resolved but idk it honestly doesnt feel right)

Marshal even if ur mafia consider bombing mafia for cred

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A dumb one.

if hippo doesnt die by bomb i might spend this entire day tunneling so pls bomb them <3

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actually killing hippo fully resolves d1 wagons so

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marshal if you’re not gonna kill arctic then kill me


@Arete has died. They were…

Vanilla Town

@Arctic has died. They were…

Mafia Goon



ok wow

i mean
he wasn’t sorc and his play singlehandedly bought us another bomb

so i’d say atlas was p goated this game
died a hero

Da fuck
