[Game Thread - ENDGAME 2/17] The 'Supa Mario' Sorcerer17 - Mafia Wins

with 0 context it feels like this is a way to imply im mafia without explicitly stating it :eek:

i haven’t read anything else you’ve posted so i don’t really know, but that post alone gave me a bad vibe

can we add some colour to the icon
I keep getting it mixed up with roblox lmfao

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you mean like purple

Her questioning of me seemed villagery.


I think this is hard for some reason that has to do with how Discourse handles themes or something (idr all the details, Chloe and orange have been doing most of the technical stuff)

(also Chloe goat orange goat)


these two things dont really seem similar and i dont understand where you’re getting them? marshal isnt saying “if i was a wolf i wouldnt have been wolfy” i dont get how you got there from that post besides the WIFOM (if i was mafia) part

it was more the “if i was mafia i would do x”
basically the wifom gave me a similar vibe

i mean in this case I can directly prove I know exactly where arete is/was going with the cheese thing but I do want to see cheese’s answer to the question without spoiling it

but how? i could probably fetch out a ton of quotes just like that from mar from either alignments i just dont get how you specifically thought of a wolf game and thought those quotes were both even remotely similar for you to get bad vibes from it

he already answered it I just strategically decided not to respond

where was I going with it

“cloned usually doesn’t like early townreads without reasoning so it’s very weird for him to tunnel someone after they give reasoning, so I asked this to see if he was being serious about tunneling after giving reasoning or just joking.”

did i win

i don’t recall marshal defending themselves via wifom as a villager, and i don’t think you’re lying, i just don’t remember it. which probably makes my initial read invalid but i’m trying to explain why i made it
the only time i remember was in ciconia which was my last game with them and they were a wolf
i more strongly associate marshal’s villager defence with the “im obvious town” shtick

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that was part of it but the main reason I answered the question was ‘cloned explicitly stating that he was going to tunnel Vulgard once Vulgard started giving explanations is really weird as a statement of fact (because, like, how do you know what you’re going to do once Vulgard starts explaining things) but totally normal and fine if it’s a self-aware just’

hi i am in thread now and will be for a while
I’ve been reading it on my phone while I was at school and so far I think

arctic & atlas V

wazza W
these are the only 3 that I actually feel confident about, not saying that I’m right just that I think my reasons make sense to myself

what are your reasons :wowee:

yeah idk that’s not really what I was expecting
part of me wants to take slight villa points away because that doesn’t really match up with my internal image of why you’d ask that question as town but I also recognize you could just go “Wow marshal! you nailed it! gg!” so I don’t think im going to do that

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