[Game Thread - ENDGAME 2/17] The 'Supa Mario' Sorcerer17 - Mafia Wins

more evidence that ybw and marl aren’t w/w

leafia/wazza continue to not be w/w

Going to head out for RL now, so talk to everyone more later.

actually i had ybw as not w/w with arctic but i forgot why

marshal v
min v
eli v (sheeping arete lol)

marl v specifically if ybw w
ybw feeling super conflicted, i need to check the arctic/ybw unalign

kiiruma, bradland, hippo, wazza, leafia

leafia/wazza not w/w
eli/wazza not w/w

kiiruma has had no unaligns for the entire game
brad’s unaligns are both flipped villagers
hippo has had no unaligns for the entire game

going by the unalign chart we should kill exactly hippo and kiiruma for the highest likelihood of hitting a wolf lol

wazza’s unaligned with a massive number of players and leafia is a leafeon, while brad did have unaligns they were just villagers he spewed

need to dive into the arctic/ybw unalign and the brad iso

okay this unalign is trash i rescind it completely lmao

within gamestate context it absolutely looks like one wolf trying to prop another up because ybw had a better placement in the thread

arctic’s treatment of ybw fits a partner
townreads him for almost no reason at all

no reasoning given for arctic

the fact he introduces doubt in his explanation (bolded) seems tmi indicative

still taking care not to townread arctic too hard but still townreading him firmly

there sitll hasn’t been a single good reason to townread arctic in youbutworse’s iso, yet the townread still exists
same thing with arctic’s read on ybw
ybw keeps going out of his way to justify townreading arctic but none of the justifications seem genuine and some seem tmi indicative

and the read is completely static all game

no comment on arctic’s flip bamboozling him or anything
though i don’t think that’s actually necessary for ybw to be a villager but i would’ve expected such a thing and i didn’t find it

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Ur mad if u think i shld die next

that’s why i said lol because i don’t actually think we should do that

I’m beyond frustrated trying to quote on mobile

I just want people to look at ybw’s EoD after mist comes back, like last 2 mins

He votes mist for coming back but simultaneously directly agrees with my mist V take (and acknowledges my vote) yet still doesn’t move his vote

He had the opportunity to tie it in wazza/mist(someone he said was paranoid of being villager at EoD) and saw my vote/had time and didn’t

Just doesn’t really line up
I’m not interested in ragging on him much more until he answers his thought process at EoD

No offense but like I said d1 this unalign strat seem kinda bad

guess what i’ve been doing for the last ~20 posts of mine

Surely it almost always means just killing the most inactive player cuz they’ll have least aligns

I saw that which is why I wanted to give my peice

I’m a bit worried that PoE is getting too wide, mist and outed wolf taken out of mine is good but i wanna i d e n t i f y more towns

I d e n t I f y me

How tf do I identlfy something

cold take
how about we just blast wazza and ybw and solve the game from there

ybw deserves it for that eod alone imo


Still hesitant on ybw to be honest but the words he said and the votes he cast straight up do not match

what sort of relevance do I even have here? You legit just said yourself that I’m heavily unaligned with the entire game, what