[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win

making any post hard to read is anti town.

paragraph it up or get bonked.

define “cringe”

My words were fluid. There was no point where I could separate it into paragraphs as it was one movement. A single stride. A single leap over the pond.

This feels so overproduced tbh.

You feel really nervous in tone. Are you nervous, Jaiden?

VOTE: Jaiden
Wallposts that disrupt thread flow are wolfy

No. I am never nervous. Ever.
This is a good link into doing another wall but I’ve already done one this game it’ll do
my next game will be the fabled 2 walls in a row

my brother in christ, that was not thread flow that was a thread DROUGHT

pigeon/achromatic hard read of t/s or t/t. early game interactions are feel genuine

I will explain more of my thread debut soon enough, I want to hear more from our cast

You making a big wall arch voting you and then you voting him back with the additional

Of this made me think the interaction between you two was super duper forced and awkward

i needed an excuse to OMGUS really badly to see how he’d respond
I don’t really know him yet so idk how to feel about his response but It’s telling of his personality at least
and that’s useful as it gives some information on how he might play

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Question for ya.

Does Jaiden seem ‘forced’ in general not just those instances? I felt like her response here felt not genuine

This may sound odd but its the fact that she didn’t stop at ‘a single stride.’ For some reason this just pings me as ‘off’

If town I would suggest turning it down a notch


Tell me more about my personality? What did Jaiden learn?

oh well this is something I can actually answer
when I’m being dramatic I like to speak in threes
idk why I’ve just always enjoyed that
I like the way it comes across and I really don’t see why thats what you get out of that

Being “down” a notch is happening, I started very overdramatic for a purpose and now I’m slowly returning to a calmer slower approach using the information I have and will gain. I don’t use punctuation unless its necessary to the situation.

simple secrets
while there is some surface level stuff I could say, I find it really hard to put stuff like that into words. Maybe once I get to know you better? who knows.

i am so glad i invited you to this site

a question for you, Archromatic
did you read the wall? if so? what did you get from it? if not, why not?

for the record, I do not expect all, if not most people to read the wall.



sorry im at work maybe in a couple hours

I will await your saving of me then

hey are we out of RVS yet

Hmm, okay. Well I tend to go off of tone a lot when I am trying to tell things about people, especially those I don’t know. I don’t have a radar that says wolf I have one that says ‘off’ or ‘unnatural.’ So if you make a post and have to pause for a moment to add the third thing, my radar will pick up on that and register it as something ‘of note.’

Basically on a surface level I look for genuineness in posts and go from there. If you are purposefully overdramatic it can also be used to hide your wolf tendencies which is why I asked if you are town to calm it because I am usually pretty good at sorting active people.

My first thought was that if you are wolf it would fit your nature to have your wolf buddies be exactly pigeon and apoc because you feel like the type to do a stunt like that page one and do a dance on town’s grave if you ended up winning the game. As town, I see you looking to repeat past success on Zorvo’s slot by reaction testing early to see if they respond in some way. You feel confident in being able to read them, so baiting them into something is a strategy you wish to employ here to establish an early foot hold. As wolf, you did this Zorvo mention in order to manipulate that slot in other ways. Not sure what you wanted out of Apoc and Pigeon if town here, felt a little too fleeting to read into.

As either alignment you bolstered this with fluff in order to hide intent. It felt purposeful as well as peak dramatic. A post that immediately makes me focus on you much more.