[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win

we already tied it LMAO

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I cannot see W!me going to such extremes to push a partner earlier today

bruh what was that

It’s not called a flashwagon for nothing


I <3 ties. Hey, anyone want to break this


stay the course on pigeon

won’t be around

i can
depending on the context, of course
its sort of a “sunk cost fallacy”

im conflicted :sob:

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believe in your heart

I don’t like the sudden speed on the wagon and how little resistance there is

It could be a potential deflection off of scum, but then again, I don’t like how stagnant the voters on Pigeon’s are either…

I’m too afraid of breaking the tie, but god damn

you know i suddenly realized this was talking about me

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this is wack and im busy unless any of you talk to me rn

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The truth is in the heart of the cards

bro they have 10 posts what is there to defend

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Fair but also flashwagons goat

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bad post friend

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It’s true that these aren’t the towniest of slots

So let me think.

Pigeon now gives us even more information.

Magnus is comtributing a lot and i feel like cant go under the radar as wolf which is something.

Ev+ to the barely active person who just managed to get their ten posts in. Its such a cop out bit it feels betterc han pigeon. Hm hm hm.

My mind is telling me to be cowardly.

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Eliza you saw last game that my voting of low posters was genuine and was on a mafia and yall talked me off it im not doing it again

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