[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win

No they aren’t wrong Misty and if she shoots you and you’re a villager, you survive and we get a lot of info about the gamestate. It’s not like we wouldn’t gain anything from it.

If he I mean.

Literally how the hell rlse am I supposed to interpret these posts. Sorry I literally don’t understand??? Holy shit lol

This is complete kekw and I’m at square one lol

Besides mist, what are you guises shot ideas?

Magnus, Kanave, and Jaiden.

I also think any of those three would be fine shots that would yield useful info.

why jaiden

i agree on kanave but idt jaiden is a good shot

I think it’s worth noting whoever gets shot, even if they’re villager, will likely be the next killing target tomorrow night. If a Mafia is killed, Min will be the next target. Meaning the optimal candidate should be:

  • Someone who is more useful as a confirmed villager in one day than a possible scum in upcoming days.
  • Someone more likely to flip Mafia than Town.
  • Someone of similar or more worth than Min (no offence meant, I’m just saying something like sacrificing Min to confirm Epitau wouldn’t be a worthwhile trade).
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He’d a PoE slot that’s under suspicion by quite a few ppl eople.

She I mean.

min was the only vote on jaiden yesterday would w!jaiden give min the gun

Potentially. Not 100% certain though. It could be a case of wifom.

I’ll also include Mist for obvious reasons.
I feel like Min’s been more active than Kanave, so I’d warn against that shot.
Jaiden has potential value, so does Mist and I.
I’m willing to accept the shot if I’m agreed to be the highest priority, although I’d encourage looking at other suspects before deciding on that course of action.
Mist seems strangely resistant to the shot.

Don’t expect me to respond for a couple hours.

if you think this is out of character you do not know me

You claiming wolf with Jaiden?

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No but honestly when I read that posts it felt partnery.

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still waiting for you to explain why you think im a wolf

That’s a fair point to shoot someone who could be a likely killing target but also could be mafia.

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Still waiting for you to explain to me how your not.

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Oh in that case Mist is open wolfing