[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win

why is eliza dying again

By the way, controversial take I am sure but given Eliza’s play I don’t actually care if she flips wolf here even though I think there is plenty of equity for that outcome. I lost my champs mountainous game because too many people were allowed to not be active late into the game and it just made the game a complete mess. I trust almost everyone else remaining to have reads, to respond to questions, to not be heavily idle.

I get it. Any time you lynch town it sucks. But it is so, so much better to sort active players out with a gun tomorrow than an inactive player.

Towns lose a lot around here I am told, and maybe one of the reasons is you don’t know how to cut losses. We lynched the inactive doctor day 2 in that last game for example. I led it. Then town won by night 5.

You can’t protect a slot like this in mountainous. Epitau I think is just new and I think it’s pretty obvious. Eliza has a wolf game just like this and can’t be afforded that benefit.

If you live in fear of every low non content poster being town you won’t ever build a culture that makes it prohibitively difficult for that type of play to do well.

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I’d rather the Newbie tbh.

Achro, you’re the hero this site needed.

achro looking like a based counterlynch whatever eliza flips ngl
that is, if eliza flips at all
im a huge fan of just removing zorvo entirely
zorvo is literally just noise


I’ll try to be more active in later days, I have been busy with a couple of things, but if it comes down to it, I can try to help others get active too :pensive:

Although it doesn’t help that some people might have a different time zone than me. Are most people here European by any chance?

Um I mean Eliza does show up and play as both alignments they just take issue with reads.

This newbie barley shows up.


Yeah I’m pretty sure the Newbie only showed up for this EoD today and that’s it.

Could be wrong but like that’s real low activity.

if im a newbie, I won’t be an issue lategame no?
I would be a non threat compared to someone like eliza with oh so much experience in such situations

I’m from the U.S. myself.

I’m really thinking they just give the gun to Epitau tomorrow.

Also I agree with Jaiden that Achromatic always makes a based wagon. I am very suspicious. Maybe an easy target even I am so suspicious.

Zorvo is talking about Epitau

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zorvo is just noise
says “this newbie” three times, is asked who that is, proceeds to say it 3 more times

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We were talking about threats like Mist and Magnus and Achro said to Not worry about threats and that we need to vote someone who won’t be as much help late game or something.

Someone who fails to contribute and therefore can never be eliminated from any sane PoE vs just taking a gun and shooting Misty tomorrow and either finding a wolf or finding a confirmed town.

Epitau is the only true newbie in the game since you’ve played before, just not on this site.

zorvo deadass hits me with the TF WITH a period despite just refusing to say the persons name

From Achro’s reasoning, the Newbie falls into the same category as Eliza and I’d rather someone who drops by once in awhile then someone who drops by during EoD.

Unless the Newbie gets replaced then maybe it’d be ok but I shouldn’t have to think like that.