God Slayers 3 - Game Over!

Marshal if you try to kill me I will help you whenever I am able to reveal


Yeah i’ll commit to killing any orb discarders as well. Puts extra strength behind the threat when it’s multiple people


I don’t think you can attack me atm though

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Correct. Current goal: Get 3 orb cards and 5 constellation cards into play by end of game.

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uh okay? I will do my best then. Regarldess pls dont discard ur little constellation

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Agreed and thanks bestie. ^_^

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the extra cards/wincons means this isn’t really a zero-sum game, we could theoretically have a lot of ppl win :)))


Yeah but that’s boring

maybe to you. I like fun and friendship, personally

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What if I WANT to murderhobo

I will not

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Marshal draws…

Helm of Hades (Artifact)
If you are unrevealed, you cannot attack or be attacked. If you slay another player while unrevealed, you win .

This is always active


wow… this is so good



I don’t think I can attack jane so I am just gonna pass my attack phase and end my turn

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As well as orbs.

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Amelia gamestate?

It is @Kanave’s turn.

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