God Slayers 3 - Game Over!


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For reference, I am Lucifer so alternatively we could use that route of friendship

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But I have a feeling that’d have some pushback kjhdhkjashkj

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Jane uses the Staff of Pisces…

Cards will be provided shortly

Jane draws…

im going to make a gamestate post gimme a second

@Marshal I could only take weapons

And we unfortunately only got artifact constellation


Player Character Equipment Health Damage Location
Marshal Galileo Galilei Spirit of Durga, Helm of Hades, Ea 0/10 Heaven Gate
Kanave ??? Tarnheim, Yasakani Amulet, Masamune 0/? Chaos Gate
Eliza ??? Beads of Krishna, Hammer of Haphaestus 0/? Chaos Gate
Whysper Hanzo Hattori Jewel of the Tiger, Golden Apple of Discord, Elixir of Life, Laevateinn, Book of Envy 7/12 Chaos Gate
Icet ??? Tizona, Orb of Duality, Jewel of the Dragon, Gjallarhorn 0/? Chaos Gate
Leafia Konohana Sakuya Aegis, Gambanteinn, Eye of Ra, Jewel of the Rabbit 0/10 Chaos Gate
Italy ??? Bow of Titania, Horn of Capricorn, Holy Grail 0/? Sea Gate
Bionic Baba Yaga Book of Sloth 2/11 Chaos Gate
Marluna Morgana Le Faye 12/12 Chaos Gate
Jane Arthur Pendragon Staff of Pisces, Celestial Calendar, Curtana, Arondight 0/14 Underworld Gate

God Card Discards: Forneus, Huanlong, Cerberus, Ame no Nuhoko
Slayer Card Discards: The High Priestess, The Temperance, Gae Buide
Wanderer Cards Discarded: 3

Characters Discarded: Morgana Le Faye

Jane, do you pass the Book of Envy?


To Whysper

And away it goes…

It is @Marshal’s turn.


@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 3

@discobot roll 1d4

:game_die: 2

Chaos Gate, choose what to draw

god card pls