God Slayers 3 - Game Over!

checks equips

discard mandate of heaven

i need to reread to see if tower blocks passives

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yeah ill just rule it blocks everything actually

ur not damaged

It is now @Whysper’s turn

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So can I still steal during my turn? Just can’t attack?

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Provided you’re in the Underworld gate, yes

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Okay, well, Book of Sloth keeps me at Underworld, so just need to go through all these items and decide :ayaya:

I’ll steal Ea and discard Laevateinn

I made a mistake

this does damage you actually its not used and tower only blocks usage

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And so you shall.

It is now @IcetFeelsPain’s turn. The Tower has since worn off.



Player Character Equipment Health Damage Location
Marshal Galileo Galilei Spirit of Durga, Flying Dutchman, Staff of the Monkey King, Flame of Olympus 0/10 Chaos Gate
Kanave Parvati Tarnheim, Masamune, Naegling, Genie of the Lamp, Jokerslayer, Jewel of the Sheep 2/11 Heaven Gate
Eliza Zeus Beads of Krishna, Hammer of Haphaestus, Caladbolg, Sphere of Athena, Bow of Ichival 1/15 Heaven Gate
Whysper Hanzo Hattori Jewel of the Tiger, Book of Envy, Book of Sloth, Kanshou, Ea 7/12 Underworld Gate
Icet Kronos Tizona, Jewel of the Dragon, Beads of Xuanzang, Dainsleif, Yata Mirror 7/15 War Gate
Leafia Konohana Sakuya Orb of Vitality, Eye of Ra, Orb of Disability, Rosetta Stone, Orb of Duality 0/10 Chaos Gate
Italy ??? Bow of Titania, Horn of Capricorn, Rho Aias 3/? Sea Gate
Bionic Baba Yaga Scythe of the Grim Reaper, Thornmail, Trident of Watatsumi, Trojan Horse 7/11 Sea Gate
Marluna Morgana Le Faye 12/12 Chaos Gate
Jane Arthur Pendragon Staff of Pisces, Celestial Calendar, Curtana, Gae Assail, Talisman of Winter 2/14 Earth Gate

God Card Discards: Forneus, Cerberus, Ame no Nuhoko, Bahamut, Gjallarhorn, Golden Apple of Discord, Red Hare, Baphomet, Yamata no Orochi, Aegis, Loch Ness, Tiamat, Bakuya, Forgemail, Gae Derg, Elixir of Life, Spirit of Virgo, Bow of Cupid, Jewel of the Rabbit, Shears of Fate, Helm of Hades
Slayer Card Discards: The High Priestess, The Temperance, Gae Buide, The Moon, The Magician, Gae Del Chliss, The Death, The Chariot, Gae Luin, Gambainteinn, The Sun, Arondight
Wanderer Cards Discarded: 5

Characters Discarded: Morgana Le Faye, Lucifer


thats fine honestly

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also u have italy as still having flame of olympus

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Oh Tower doesn’t block passives?

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 6

@discobot roll 1d4

:game_die: 4