God Slayers 3 - Game Over!

Although you might want to take a healing artifact instead

i will be putting a pipe bomb in the inventory of anyone who does this

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@Amelia steal book of envy, polymorph myself

an interesting play

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Baba Yaga is discarded, New card coming…

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instead of polymorphing anyone who has a currently-fulfilled alt wincon :wowee:

rands faust, instantly ruining all setup done by every player here

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Idk what Faust does and I’m too lazy to check

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Faust can create satan and give all players NK wincon

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spawn satan turn 1 as one does

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Character sent.

It is now @Jane’s turn.


@discobot roll 1d4

:game_die: 2

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 5

Let’s gooooooo

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I’m joining the party at the Underworld gate

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What do you do there

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