God Slayers 3 - Game Over!


the alternative is i put a pipe bomb in your inventory


It is now @Ultimate’s turn

I really want to see what the pipe bomb is

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(Note, you roll by pinging discobot and saying roll 1dx, where x is the number)

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I forgot I had that


o yeah ult the best way to check items rn is searching them on anarchic (works well for me)

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not my fault i am literally a quarter of the thread

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have you tried grafting gamestate to OP

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I will probably do that next time but me being very stubborn means n o

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well less stubbornness and more pettiness towards myself for making this difficult

Ultimate if you discard anything to use Flame of Olympus please don’t discard Staff of the Monkey King :yellow_heart:

(I think Spirit of Durga is the best choice for that)

getting back at yourself for torturing yourself by torturing yourself

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this is why i play town of salem 2

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if ultimate discards a god card i will reveal without throwing a pipe bomb at them

What i heard is discard monkey staff, got it

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i mean god beast
god i am tired

(This isn’t a threat I will just be mad, I don’t have anything I can threaten you with)

i need ultimate to either recycle or discard a god beast and i am willing to make a trade for this