Neutral Investigative
Lonely (Passive) - No more than 1 player is able to visit you at night. You cannot visit someone who already has a visitor.
Uniphile (Passive) - If you are the first player to target another player with an ability, it will be guaranteed to succeed. If you target a player who uses a 1 use ability, both you and they will be guaranteed to succeed, with you taking priority. Additionally, if you ever win the game, you will be the sole winner.Uno (Day) - Determine if target player has exactly 1 use of any of their abilities left. Inf use
Once Over (Night) - Determine if target player has more than 1 day or night ability. You must choose which. Inf use
Single Out (Night) - Determine target player’s exact role. If their role number does not contain a 1, this ability will fail. 1 useHave all players either have a 1 use ability, no more than 1 ability per cycle, 1 passive, a 1 in their role number, a 1 in their rolecard, or be the only player in their faction.
Alternatively, end the day with exactly 1 vote.