Grand Idea Thread - Moderated









[color=]Town Investigator[/color]

Kip (Passive) - If you are killed at night, choose a player: you learn their name.





The Court Lizard

Town Reptile Support

Cold-Blooded (Passive) - You cannot be tracked and your actions cannot be detected.
Emotional Support Reptile (Passive) - Any player that visits you at night will refill 1 shot of every ability. If they kill you, they instead commit suicide if you are not the last member of your faction.

Lay in the Sun (Day) - Votes on you will count as 3/5ths of a vote today. Tonight, Cold-Blooded will be deactivated. Inf use
Lay on another Civilian (Day) - If target player would be executed, they are instead gladiated with a no-execution and require a 2/3rds majority to be executed. 2 uses

Provide Support (Night) - Target player’s non-killing action cannot be redirected, roleblocked, or misinformed. You may choose only one of those effects to support them tonight. Inf use
Laze Around (Night) - All players visiting you will be aware of every other player who visited you that night. 1 use

Converts into…


Oh God Oh Fuck It’s A Snake

Mafia Killing

Oh fuck it’s a snake run away (Passive) - You cannot be the target of abilities that don’t explicitly kill you first.

Venomous Injection (Day) - Target player will die tonight unless healed. 2 uses

Like, more venom (Night) - Kill target player. 1 use


Magnet Leader

Mafia Special

Cover Checks Out (Passive) - You investigate as a random Town class from the GI Moderated thread for the first three nights.
Person of Interest (Passive) - Does nothing, unless there is a Journalist present.

All In (Day) - Become the Field Magnet at the start of the night. Can only be used if none exist. - Infinite uses

Midnight Meeting (Night) - Occupy target player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Strike Deal (Night) - Convert target player. - 2 uses, 1 night cooldown regardless of success, uses refunded on fail.
Informant (Night) - Learn target player’s role. - 2 uses, 1 night cooldown


Field Magnet

Mafia Killing

Person of Interest (Passive) - Does nothing, unless there is a Journalist present.
AGENT Training (Passive) - This card mentions Arrests. Arrests are like kills, except arrested players are announced as arrested, rather than killed. Arrests do not interact with things that interact with kills, except win conditions; otherwise, they are functionally the same.

Arrest (Night) - Arrest target player. - Infinite uses
Sting (Night) - Arrest target player and everyone that visits them. - 1 use
Planned Raid (Night) - Protect and occupy target player. They will be told they were protected; tommorow night, they will be arrested. The latter night does not count as a visit in any, way, shape, or form; functionally, it is the host doing the arrest. The only way the arrest can be prevented is if the former action is somehow stopped. - 2 uses, 1 night cooldown


Vintice, Cold Blooded Killer

Neutral Killing

Frozen Armor (Passive) - If you would be killed, your killer is roleblock instead and you do not die.
Dead of Winter (Passive) - While you are alive, all players are informed that Winter Storm is in effect. You are immune to it. (Listed Below)

Usher Darkness (Day) - Freeze the current votecount, with the topmost voted player being executed today. If at least half of the alotted time for day has past, end the day early. 1 use

Frostbite (Night) - Kill target player. Inf Use
Blood on the Snow (Night) - List 3 target players. Tonight, tomorrow, and the night after those players will die in the listed order. 2 uses, 2 night cooldown

Ensure that you eliminate the Town, the Mafia, and any other Neutrals that threaten your existence.

Winter Storm

While Winter Storm is in effect, players may not use night abilities that target another player, unless that ability is a killing ability. Players may use night abilities that could normally only target other players on themselves.


The Frostweaver :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Frozen Guard (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding and death, and you will be notified if someone tries to bleed you.
Gangrenous Wounds (Passive) - Anyone bled during the day will die 1 day earlier while you live.
Snap Freeze (Day) - Cause a player to begin bleeding. They will die in 2 nights unless healed. 2 uses :crown:
Impassable Blizzard (Day) - Prevent all visitors to yourself tonight. 2 uses
Ice Spike (Night) - Impale a player with spikes made of ice, killing them. You will also learn who visited your target that night, and may bleed one of these players the next day whenever you wish. Infinite uses :crown:
Absolute Zero (Night) - Put a player’s room into cryo-stasis, killing them and any visitors they had, as well as occupying the target bypassing immunity to occupation, and preventing all visitors. 2 uses :crown:

Survive to the final 4 players while the evil faction cannot execute you on their own.


The Organ Harvester

Town Support

Bag o’ Bodies (Passive) - You start the game out with 2 organs. If you have no organs left, the next use of your abilities that consume organs will kill you.
Self-Mending Surgeon (Passive) - If you would die at night, instead you survive, are occupied, and consume an organ.

Emergency Surgery (Dawn) - Heal and occupy target player that was attacked. This consumes an organ. Inf use

Organ Harvest (Night) - Target a player. If they are dead and you haven’t targeted them before with this ability, gain 1 organ. If they are alive, they may choose to donate an organ to you. If they do, they will die in the next two days. Inf use
Replacement Parts (Night) - Cure target player. If they were bleeding, this consumes an organ. Inf use

Defeat all members of the Informed Minority and any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.

Dawn is a timeframe before the start of the day but after night where any players with Dawn abilities may act, usually on a known limited pool of players. In this instance, this role knows who was attacked and may choose one of them to heal, though this role does not know whether they were healed during the night or what role or faction they belong to.

Converts into…


The Manic Surgeon

Mafia Offensive

Bag o’ Flesh (Passive) - You start the game out with 2 organs. If you are converted, instead carry over how many organs you previously had.

Unnecessary Surgery (Dawn) - Occupy target non-attacked player. They will believe that they were healed. 1 use

Organ Harvest (Night) - Target a player. If they are dead and you haven’t targeted them before with this ability, gain 1 organ. If they are alive, they may choose to donate an organ to you. If they do, they will die in the next two days. Inf use
Infected Parts (Night) - Target player is occupied until they are healed. Additionally, if they are ever bled, they will die that night unless healed. This consumes an organ. Inf use

Gain parity with the Uninformed Majority and defeat any neutrals that directly oppose your win condition.

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Converts Into:


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Serial Killer (from Monster Seeking Monster)

Town Killer

Merial Skiller (Night) - Target a player. If they visit you tonight, you will kill them. - Infinite uses




Town Support

Achilles’ Heel (Passive) - You are immune to death at night, unless you are attacked twice in one night. If a player fails to kill you due to this passive, then they bypass it from then on.



Mafia Support

Grendal Buster (Passive) - If a player fails to die to any kills by the Mafia for any reason, then any further kills on them are strongman.

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Town Support
Shadow Clone (Day) - If you are executed today, reveal yourself as either the Ninja or the Assassin (seen below). You will survive. - 1 use



Mafia Support
Shadow Clone (Day) - If you are executed today, reveal yourself as either the Ninja (seen above) or the Assassin . You will survive. - 1 use



King of Purgatory

Neutral Support

Send to Purgatory (Night) - Choose a player. Their flip will be cleaned if they die tonight or tommorow night. - Infinite uses
Send back to Earth (Night) - Choose a player whose flip was cleaned. You will revive them. - 1 use

Ensure that the player you revived wins the game.

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This might be too OP, but eh let’s see




Hostel Host

Neutral Support

Spirit of Shelter (Passive) - Your existence is announced at the start of the game. Should you die by means other than execution, the player or players that killed you exit the game in a loss.
Hostel Residency (Passive) - You may only have 3 residents at a time. If you attempt to host more than 3 players, you must choose an existing resident to kick out. Residents cannot be killed except via execution.

Room Service (Day) - Give target resident an additional vote to use and forfeit your vote. Today, you cannot be executed. 3 uses
Exe-cutive Residency (Day) - If target player would be executed, they instead become a resident and will be independently executed tomorrow. 1 use

House (Night) - Target player becomes a resident. inf uses
Sleep (Night) - Gain 1 use of all limited use abilities. Tonight, your residents will be vulnerable to death. inf uses

Have at least 1 living resident by the end of the game.

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Hostile Host

Neutral Killing

Hostile Hotel (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. The first time that you would die, your attacker dies instead.
Hostile Residency (Passive) - You may only have 3 residents at a time. If you attempt to host more than 3 players, you must choose an existing resident to kick out. Residents cannot be killed except via execution or via your action.

Dubious Plea (Day) - Today, votes on you by your residents quietly count as 0 votes. 1 use, inf use if all other players are your residents.

House (Night) - Target player becomes a resident. inf uses
Room-Sized Coffins (Night) - Kill all of your residents. They cannot be the target of other abilities and their class will not be revealed to anyone except you. inf use

Ensure that all other living players cease to be living players.

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Wayfarer Skull

Equipment Support

Equipment (Passive) - The player who begins with this rolls another card, except they have this card in addition to that one. If this player dies, a vote is held to see who gets this equipment next.
Rite of Passage (Passive) - All players who have died with the Elder Skull are the only players who may vote for who may get it next. Additionally, living players will not know that you have this Equipment, even when you die.

Lay to Rest (Night) - Target dead player may use any ability tomorrow, regardless of timing. If they do, they become aligned with you. Inf use
Final Passage (Night) - Each dead player may use any ability tomorrow, regardless of timing. If they do, that player becomes aligned with you. Additionally, you die tonight. Inf use

This is an Equipment, and thus does not have a winning condition.

The last one wasn’t commented on, so it must be good.

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