le Vortox
Mafia Social
Vortoxin (Passive) - All Town roles’ abilities yield false information.
Vortoxin the Second (Passive) - All Town roles’ abilities that yield feedback will have the word “not” inserted into them, or be otherwise logically negated. This ability is processed after Vortoxin.
Mafia Win condition
cop checks town member X
they learn “X is not a member of the mafia”
tracker tracks mafia member Y who visits Z
they learn “Y did not visit A”
fruit vendor gives a fruit to X
X learns “you did not receive a vegetable last night”
vig shoots and kills Y
Y learns “you are not still alive”
innocent child z reveals to the thread, prompting an announcement that they are town
the thread learns “Z is not Mafia”
innocent child z reveals to the thread, prompting an announcement that they are a town innocent child
the thread learns “Z is not a Mafia Omni-Busdriver”