Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

ngl same I literally was about to call it 8v6 LyLo then I remembered we killed 2 wolves

and by we I mean they killed themselves


i think getting confirmed is good enough
even in your status people are doubting you
nevertheless im not going to tinfoil it

shocker yall
but for once I’m not voting Leafia first

/vote thepigeonnyc @Host_Account_2


we kinda just lose if you’re w so

guys random question who do you all think the seer should

Cant be confirmed if there is an actual mayor though. I even said if i didnt die tonight i would confirm myself tomorrow.

But Wazza, Alice (and Achro) prevented Leafia’s wagon. Shouldn’t we go after Leafia first?

that makes it look like you’re preparing it yes

which is NAI

how are you going to confirm yourself tomorrow? by hoping the wolves shoot you?

I couldn’t care less tbh

Leafia could be wolf
I think she could flip wolf
But I want Pigeon dead as I feel more confident

I’m not killing Leafia and Pigeon based on a gamble


Well that would have done it yes. I also had a back up plan

Well, okay. I guess I’ll go after Leafia first then.

/vote Leafia

pushing achro is just not worth it

Wdym by that last sentence?

if Achro is wolf can I choose to exile myself from the game

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no one should be pushing achro no

so i dont really care about weird things his slot does