Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

it feels similar to someone using a player’s real name in game as a form of AtE

sometimes you gotta suck up to someone who calls you town

Imagine reading the op in an obviously very weird game. Couldnt be me. Mechanic discussion is so day 4 not day 1

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Usually when you’re a wolf

Oh my god I do that :rofl:

Whyyy are you claiming vanilla not even an hour into the game

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guys I think Achro might be an executioner who’s going for Arete

I feel the same way actually.

Appeal to the emotion thst i know a player? Are you ok?

We need to tape kiirumas mouth shut like every d1


I think you’re on to something here

It works.

This is so aggressive

Because I’m not exactly going to be doing anything this game.
And like I’m gonna end up claiming at some point so if I say it now while not everyone is here, maybe people will miss it. IDFK

You get used to it

For many reasons:

  • Kiiruma dies to anticlaim? We lose nothing worthwhile.
  • Kiiruma absorbs anticlaim by lying? Anticlaim has failed (XD)

Illwei, that’s why I’m only giving it a slight townlean. Because I feel a villager would be slightly more likely to say that than a wolf. Also, you’re using the same logic I used to question Vulgard’s townread on Eliza. That’s pretty hypocritical of you if you ask me. And why the focus on me? Why not look at other people too?

I didn’t read that as agressive at all lmfao

all Vanilla shouldn’t claim though
but one claiming is eh, might as well ig


Ding ding ding.
We have a winner.
I’m basically letting myself be sacced instead of others.