Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

oh god this vc
leafia already top wagon, i gotta see this

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Or if he v reads me. j/k I hope.

No one ever answered Achroā€™s question about how Iā€™m different as a wolf and as townā€¦

Iā€™m still waitingā€¦

/vote Achro


Why? Didnt you say no one has played with you lol. I thought that settled it.

it unfortunately fails when iā€™m mid a game of league of legends :pensive:


I thought Wazzaā€™s belief that Leafiaā€™s reads were obviously made up was towny, considering the fact I didnā€™t like her Leafia vote specifically for the lack of independent reasoning. In hindsight I think it might be TMI, but since Iā€™m bad at TMI reads itā€™s probably wrong and Wazza is town lol.

Likeā€¦brad could have answered itā€¦
or anyone who was in the popcorn game could have answered that even though it was 1) popcorn and 2) hydra so like lol

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min is lock v btw

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if leavia is v then wazza likely a wofl

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Iā€™m back to thinking that Wazzaā€™s vote on Leafia was bad.

Likely a waffle*

thought iā€™d clarify that

Can we skip to the wazza wagon then since both people voting me are eying that way.

Also glad you liked the first half of that.

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it was a good vote!

I explained why you were town like twice.

Hold on. :man_facepalming:

I hate rvs i am the worst

Got some shopping to do IRL, so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:

i really just woke up at 4:30 am and immediately got on a mafia forum i think iā€™m addicted. this is such a different game than iā€™m used to like itā€™s purely read based with absolutely nothing else to go on and thatā€™s always been my favorite part of werewolf. those soul reads that a human just does not talk like that they gotta be bad or something so natural they have to be town. like this game started with an entrance message and a bunch of ppl just standing around knowing nothing until someone found a rabbit hole and we all were like ok fuck it letā€™s jump in. and now thereā€™s reads based on arguments about arguments referencing arguments all from the beginning when there was nothing. canā€™t wait to see where yā€™all are at when i get off work. iā€™m unlikely to be fully caught up but iā€™m gonna do my best in the hour or so between getting off and the vote ending.


as a wolf i have no idea how i am different as a wolf

I used to be more self aware and but now Iā€™m not because who knows because my brain stopped working after i played those 5 mafia games at the same time and itā€™s all been downhill since then

i really just woke up at 4:30 am and immediately got on a mafia forum i think iā€™m addicted. this is such a different game than iā€™m used to like itā€™s purely read based with absolutely nothing else to go on and thatā€™s always been my favorite part of werewolf. those soul reads that a human just does not talk like that they gotta be bad or something so natural they have to be town. like this game started with an entrance message and a bunch of ppl just standing around knowing nothing until someone found a rabbit hole and we all were like ok fuck it letā€™s jump in. and now thereā€™s reads based on arguments about arguments referencing arguments all from the beginning when there was nothing. canā€™t wait to see where yā€™all are at when i get off work. iā€™m unlikely to be fully caught up but iā€™m gonna do my best in the hour or so between getting off and the vote ending.

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