Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

But ill remember to put a meme in there

it’s useless for him
he wouldn’t do it if its useless
that’s what i think at least

just put something
just so we know

Yeah I had no logs on N1 lol
Tbh I completely forgot

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Claiming arso was also useless

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If you are town i am adding achro is op to my signature as a quote from you. Rooting for you

This is a pretty good towncore yeah

Well it pissed off wolves lol

his point was he wasn’t going to win
so he might as well see if town would side with him if they had no chance

He had a chance to win till he claimrd arso lol

Hippos push on me isnt real

Thanks bestest friend illwei

its eevee

He was also wolfhunting to see if he could figure out whom to douse

And PR hunting

Guys would the arsos be teamed if it randed two of them

Id have been hyped to play arso ive never rolled it in fm

So im mildly salty at eevee for wasting a fun opportunity, i cant imagine how maf feel lol

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im going off of what he said
you can check what he claimed if you want

Arso does sound fun

That’s what I was wondering cause then eevee’s play would make more sense
But setup doesn’t say two identical SKs can even rand so idk