Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Good. In that case:

/vote Wazza

Why would town Leafia lie about this? She seems to insist that she is being earnest.

i think she means that leafia is scum

Hey Zone so you’ve basically done nothing so far today. Why shouldn’t we all just vote for you in a hasty fashion? Because becoming a 5th vote on a wagon for no reason at all kind of isn’t very good for the game state.

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She said no!


I got no defense. Vote me ahead.

Like 5 posts up in reply to me asking

i checked
i didnt see it

You know you could just, contribute

read what she was quoting when she said ‘no’

yeah i checked

so uh
anyone have any hot takes you wanna talk about

The fastest way to do that is by claiming my role.
The longest way to do that is by reading 1k posts.

…I am opting to do the first.

Issue is: I can’t prove my role.

Uh, no? It is stupidly anti town to claim your role day 1. Like, pick someone to iso and just iso them. I don’t give a fuck what role you claim.

hes telling you to play the game basically

Okay. I’ll choose Kiiruma then.

RVS, sarcasm on maj, claiming flavor is fine but not role, claiming town with low power, sarcasm upon being attacked, list of mafia games, […]

Oh. He liked the VC as of… P#124. Probably won’t say much considering it was very early, but let’s see… VC was:

…ya it really tells me nothing. I really don’t see what I’m supposed to get out of Kiiruma’s ISO. This was a mistake. I should’ve gone after Eliza.

Heck, I’ll do one after I post this.

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Huh… It does seem like a claim strongman.
…y’know, this does make me wonder: Wouldn’t the Mafia waste their “anti-claim” if we are all to intentionally fakeclaim? (Meh, then again, it’s just a waste of time if everyone does it.)

But like: If I claim now, and I lie, and they think it is true, and they shoot me–
Wait a moment. Even if I fakeclaim and they waste their “anti-claim”, wouldn’t I still die if I were to be attacked anyway?

…yeah, no. Massclaiming is a mistake and should’ve never been suggested.

/vote ElizaThePsycho

Fake claiming is as good as not claiming except one role worse because mafia has one less role to guess.