Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

I have never been mislynched on any day besides day 1 and day 3.

It has happened once each.

weā€™ll set you up with a d2 tomorrow, dw

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i can pencil you in for an elimination

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Better players than you have tried :smiley:

wagoned? who knows


donā€™t tempt me

you underestimate my power

Also Marl you realize that was blatantly TMI and youā€™re probably wolf, right



marl frozen and crying in wolfchat


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Then scrolled down



Scrolled farther down


7 but didnā€™t read this one in detail because I was there when she posted it anyway


OK it wasnā€™t exactly ten posts but those were the ones where I thought the wording doesnā€™t indicate anything in either direction but they are all the sort of posts I could see someone incorrectly calling wolfy in the event she is town

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/Vote Marl


actually this just sent me over the edge of something I was suspecting which is marl has done a good job avoiding talking about me so far even though Iā€™ve interacted with him a lot. I am actually serious with this vote lol. This is the thing I was talking about being pinged by.

always wolf etc

/vote Marluxion @Host_Account_2

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hippo been lurking

I remember him mentioning once that youā€™re town as part of some other post and then no elaboration

for a whole four minutes?

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it definitely felt longer to me lmfao

i am very aware i dont really have a take on you yet, despite your high postcount :joy_cat:

you arenā€™t really playing like you were in g8, and thatā€™s pretty much as far as my analysis goes wrt you specifically

Iā€™m high rn though so what do i know

I am curious how you can say that because Wind literally described my play this game like someone did for my day 1 of G8 almost to a tee lol x)

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