Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

its okay I will help.



my ‘reading’ of g8 is just legit
looking at the most recent page once every few hours
and sometimes isoing arete

I have another dumb question
Has anyone ever commented that they think you feel like you’re overly serious, less memey, or have a stick up your arse when you play in games that have postcaps?

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Uh huh. Was enough to try to be prescriptive of me before being called out though.


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i saw that only in spec chat afterwards :joy_cat:

those are definitely words that have meanings that i should probably know

I sometimes come off very serious in certain situations. Most people from MU will almost exclusively know me from Champs where I am trying to take it seriously, and sometimes I go overboard. I think the most important thing to me is everyone trying their best in whatever way that means. I don’t respect players who don’t try, but everyone else is chill.

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achro didn’t we wolf together in that one team game with limestone and alice

or am i misremembering

by ‘wolf together’ i mean
be on the same team in a wolf slot

Cool, that answers my question, thanks!

thyroid has kind of murdered my mid term memory so I don’t remember a lot of games from 10-2 years ago. I’d remember if linked but it is hard for me to exactly recall things.

speaking of non meming achro in g8

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i meant to ask this when you died because that game is entirely what i was basing your wolf meta off of and why i wolfread you initially at the start of day 1 in g8 :joy_cat:

alice might remember i’ll ask her if she ever shows up

I think thingy was basing it off of ‘achro hasn’t beheaded three people yet, wolf’

I didn’t even notice she was in this game


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eevee too :joy_cat:

I remember eevee cause he made the comment about making mole jokes in the sign-up thread


Don’t mind old Achro, just enjoying my G8 memes while thinking of ways to skin a wolf x)

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also like i said i didn’t read anywhere close to all of g8, just bits and pieces
the main bits i remember reading from you were you going over arete’s legacy and repeatedly calling them ‘town arete’ like it was some kind of title they earned in death

also your kingmaker gimmick thing from d1