Happy Tree Friends FM - signups 20/20 CLOSED!

Do I still choose as a sub?

@Frostwolf103 can there be multiple of the same role?

Aka. is it something making to ToS/ ToL?

You can choose to sub and pick a character

Check out OP for choices

Ok then :person_shrugging:

/sub as Russell the Otter

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How does a possessor work in this setup?

This is related to Throne of Lies about Possessor, that redirects players action to another player.

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Both to yes.

Ah, so not actually the jumping part, just puppeting actions.

@Litten here is your answer what stops them from claming.

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@Frostwolf103 @WindwardAway Correct me fi I’m wrong, but sub is a substitute, aka. backup.

And you put them down as a full player

What does this mean

Yeah that’s why I was confused by Frost’s question

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Actually maybe I will just join the game after all
It’ll be chaos and I don’t really get how the setup works but I guess that’s my excuse to chill a bit instead of driving myself crazy trying to figure it out right away

/in as Russell the Otter

Now the player list is correct :p

Night results in feedback are semi-open or something along the lines.

My bad my bad. At least I am glad interest is taken


Feel free to change your mind if you want to play as full player

Nah I won’t have consistent internet access this week