Never would I expect a scum to lie about that.
Cue the ghost of Jaiden screaming at me cause I lied once maybe
Never would I expect a scum to lie about that.
Cue the ghost of Jaiden screaming at me cause I lied once maybe
What is your worldview of 3 scum
I am open for some theorycraft, even that’s not going to be proven that easily
Generally having a town on a scum member at eod locked in is bad.
Also its not ‘i literally cant see it’ and more me questioning why you think it is most likely
Can you give me a link to any game where a scum did this?
How many of my bomes would you break if I linked the game we are playing to you?
admittedly not as heated as i recalled it being
wolfteam was jaiden/neon/me/seth
i may have also shamelessly participated in the madness
i think it started around 1650 (and continued for like the entire day or something) but i’m running out of time so you can probably figure it out
Once in Zone_Q11’s game, always playing Zone_Q11 games
Sylveon (1): Neon
Frostwolf103 (1): guavagudetama
guavagudetama (1): Achromatic
Not Voting (8): Jarek, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, Italy, Frostwolf103, Sylveon, Garfooled, JakeTheWolfie
this irked me a considerable amount, mostly because of the speculative nature of the post (PLEASE SHUT UP ABOUT ROLES)
Why would Archro start shit early on and put themselves on the spotlight? >They’re either a role that benefits in being aggressive or this is SvS<
On contrary, Italy. Garfooled make decent point about Achromatic being LAMIST. When you quote the message that way with only half visible, I had to open the full message to understand the point what Garfooled is making, which went over the head.
frost isn’t doing anything
Or you haven’t bothered to check my ISO
Italy doesn’t like Garfooled about Achromatic in this post mostly because of speculative, Italy did not mention in the same post he quoted that Garfooled sees Achromatic a little too LAMIST for their own good which I find this quite odd that Italy only focused on that part alone?
They’re either a role that benefits in being aggressive or this is SvS
this irked me a considerable amount, mostly because of the speculative nature of the post (PLEASE SHUT UP ABOUT ROLES)
Still leaves a sour taste, Italy.
Can you give me a link to any game where a scum did this?
I can give you a link to every Frost wolf rand on this site and ask you to tell me how it’s out of their range.
I won’t though.
How many of my bomes would you break if I linked the game we are playing to you?
I think I love you
Last one’s a rotten egg
VOTE: Garfooled
Frost votes… Garfooled?
What was the buildup to this? Where is the progression?Here are all the posts that contain mentioned of Garfooled before this vote:
(There’s nothing there)
I think Frost was trying to catch votes to deflect off the top wagons, presumably Olivest since they were scum
And it almost worked
Forstwolf103 (1): Garfooled
Except Garfooled spelled it wrong LMAOBut Garfooled was on the Olivest wagon
VC 2217
Olivest (5): Kiiruma, Achromatic, Hazardwaste, Sylveon, GarfooledVC 2227
Olivest (4): Kiiruma, Achromatic, Hazardwaste, SylveonI need more data but
VOTE: Frostwolf103
This is not a great look I think
“AnD iT aLmOsT WoRkED”
Not even close.
Little too adorable as if that was my intention
Not too sure about that. At first I could see it but then I read Achro’s posts on you. Currently mostly caught up. Originally voting for Frost here.j
He says he doesn’t plan on voting Olivest or Kiiruma because he doesn’t have a good enough read on either of them… I think…?
Sounds a bit wolfy to me.
Sylveon busses because the top two are w/w and wants the loser of this to look good no matter what
Kiiruma never acts like that with top wagons being w/w. Because Kiiruma obviously didn’t want tied wagons. If it was w/w, that wouldn’t be the case.
I think it’s a really funny concept that 2/3 of the hydras are scum and they killed the odd one out during night phase
Only one hydra was scum.
Whoever just killed ZorvoN1 as scum
Prime suspect right meow is you
Except that I’m not scum. What makes you so sure scum killed him anyway? Neon, get out of this tunnel already. Don’t be a Zorvo 2.0. Sheesh!
How did him not wanting a tie vote man he’s never scum I do agree though
A tie vote would’ve saved both of them. Scum would want that if they’re both wolves.
Yeah. You were being pushed a lot of D1 and that wasn’t going away saving Olive is risky there it incriminates you if and when they flip. You had to bus.
I didn’t have to, although I probably would’ve if I was a wolf, but Isure as heck wouldn’t be townreading you if I was a wolf. You’ve seen me as a wolf enough to know that. I don’t even understand why you’re so tunneled on me. Please explain.
Going to be disappointed if this is scum because I taught Leafia better than this tbh lol
Good thing I’m town then.
How can you not see how easily that could be partnered. At worst one of them goes over the other gets credit. At best they flash wagon Kiiruma or someone and both survive.
Why can’t you see jlhow easily it could be that I’m town due to that? If you were a wolf, which would you rather want dead? A LHF villager or a scumbuddy? Please get out of this tunnel on me and start considering the possibility that you could be wrong on me already. It’s frankly getting to be a bit annoying at this point.
I trusted Achro’s intuition once and it got a wolf killed, so Ithink I’ll try trusting him again.
VOTE: Guava
Except that I’m not scum. What makes you so sure scum killed him anyway? Neon, get out of this tunnel already. Don’t be a Zorvo 2.0. Sheesh!
Because he’s dead and there’s no other kill?
A tie vote would’ve saved both of them. Scum would want that if they’re both wolves
A tie vote is outing.
I didn’t have to, although I probably would’ve if I was a wolf, but Isure as heck wouldn’t be townreading you if I was a wolf. You’ve seen me as a wolf enough to know that. I don’t even understand why you’re so tunneled on me. Please explain.
I don’t think this is true Leafia
You know full well that a pocketed me is a valuable asset to a wolf team.
Because he’s dead and there’s no other kill?
Town killing can exist and mafia kill can be blocked or healed.
A tie vote is outing.
It wouldn’t have been if it was a natural one and would’ve given scum an extra day.
A tie vote is outing.
And thus you always as any alignment never allow a tie plus it makes you look good
Especially in W v W worlds.