Hell Echoes FM - Signups (FILLED!)


at that point why not just both in as seperate slots

Cause Atlas.
Have you read up?

Conkeldurr, did you take out the trash like I asked?


As long as I don’t have to deal with more than one slot with this type of hydra, I’ll allow it.


In other words, if Atlas & Zorvo want to hydra on their main account, then Leafia & Silviu have to make a hydra account.

Why is it that whenever Jaiden and I hydra everybody else gets jealous

as far as im aware
they are

Why? Manual voting.
Last time, I did this with Magnus and May. It went well, and I also learnt that I don’t want to do keep track of more hydras. I already do every VC manually, but I ain’t giving myself more work by keeping track of more than one hydra.

Good. I will wait for them to make the account and confirm their participation here.

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that’s great i always planned on naming my child refrigerator


Is your refrigerator running?

no it’s flying

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vaguely doesnt make sense

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People want to play as hydra, yes?
There are two types of hydra: (1) They make a hydra account, and they play with that account, e.g. Olivest. (2) They play with their main accounts, and share the same slot, e.g. May and Magnus in Nightmare Woods.

I won’t allow more than one Type-2 hydra in my games, so if more people want to play as “hydra”, then I’m telling them to make their own hydra account and play as Type-1 hydra.


(In FoL.)

“Type-2” hydras, as you’re referring to them, are silly and confusing nod nod

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Yep, and yet I still accept them.

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