Hell Echoes FM - Signups (FILLED!)

Yep. Are you interested in joining?

Would you like to join if I were to fix that?

I think we are


I canā€™t join.


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Very well.

I hope you have a nice day/night though.

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There is no evidence I have agreed to this hydra

I did but thatā€™s beside the point

I disagreed on your behalf.

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we both liked the join post silly

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Goddamnit. Evidence

Wait a minute. Magnus canā€™t join.
ā€¦fuck, Magnus canā€™t join.
@Magnus, I am forcing you to be a spectator.

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ā€¦Am I needed for something?

Yes. You are needed for comedy.

I canā€™t really dedicate my time to anything, soā€¦ Iā€™d probably let you down.

Donā€™t worry. I only need [your presence].

can magnus join our hydra


Thatā€™s just called a scumteam.

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This sounds vaguely threatening.

yeah we got the two people who donā€™t stop talking to each other
the inactive one
all weā€™re missing is zorvo