well at least im not being accused of trolling again

Why would Archro start shit early on and put themselves on the spotlight? They’re either a role that benefits in being aggressive or this is SvS

That’s only if your actual CPR Doc.

Wdym, wolf theater?

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Zorvo i have a question. Genuinely

What in any of our games together and my track record of winning games and finding scum makes you think you are qualified to dictate to me the best wah to find scum?

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Could be using sheer confidence to look town, they could be doing that as town as well tbh

achros a confident guy

what I’ve learnt from this sod is that if i dont immediately push achro in a game he will push me

idk maybe, it’s easy to do early on when it wont be taken seriously

First time playing with me huh

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that doesnt invalidate what i said imo

Well it does partially in that it is possibly role indicative how i am behaving when this is just how i am.

The w/w theory is fine though.

well im bored now
@Garfooled whats your role
what brought you to fol
and what color is your rolecard

this is wrong

achro, admittedly, has a decent record in reads, especially townreads
i assume he’d at least reconsider, or pretend to, if you provide some other content!

kinda goes against waht you said earlier about

Why do you seem bored with me when i just end gamed as scum against you?

Most curious tbh

oh my god is this the first fol player to defend themselves by saying “this is just how i am”??? ive never ever seen this before

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town is green right?

yes im green

town is [.color][/color]

ok phew-- wouldnt wanna scumslip