I’m trying to think how town gets to a 4/4 tie

Can someone explain how we got here

and she has no reasoning, despite heavily pushing people to get off kii

Probably by at least 1 wolf being involved within the 8.

Sounds common sense to me, Zorvo even told me that 4 scum team is totally balanced, which is why the Neutral should be assumed to be red herring all the time until it’s proven it’s not.

Hey Frost, you’re not voting anyone.
Could you please vote who you scumread more out of me and Olivest?
Even if it’s me, at this point that’s ok.

Me going over gives direction for future days

It could honestly be both. We might have TvT wagons honestly and that possibility scares me. :sleepingleafeon:

a reminder that zorvo didn’t come into play until 4 hours after sod
i doubt they’re returning now

Was on Italy and could have gone toppled over.

whats maj?


If we tie, then nobody dies.
Atm votes are tied 4 to 4.

You don’t say? That is what I am saying and I think am correct on this

someone may have an additional vote

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ok i dont think we’re having a hammer, so that’s good

well a final vote on a tie is as good as a hammer so nvm

Atlas, I have reasoning. I’ve literally stated my reasoning. :sleepingleafeon:

no you didnt
you said gut

It’s stressful, idk whether it’s good or not.
Like at this point I just want to maybe be voted if we’re not going to get enough on Olivest.