No your a wolf

Whoops misclick

I won’t take it back tho cus that’s a bit mean I think

It’s honestly tiring tbh, I’ve just had some stressful games.
I wanna be town and trustable as town.

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You have no proof and you won’t prove it.

Because lolwolf you

Its like you’re playing a among us public room.

I think you made up the section about me

Your refusal to even attempt to reword it so I can understand it proves that.

Your also the only person not cleared

You are a wolf

And how does Garfooled confirm them how?

He could simply lied about his actions easily.

I gets stressed too but I hope u have fun anyways

I did! Had a few laughs cus of this game today

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You keep moving the goalposts instead of responding to the main points I lay out

You are a wolf.

I refused nothing.

You’re just death tunneling for no reason except your own bad experience.

Thanks to mostly u :D

if i die tonight and y’all deviate from my plan i am going to come back just to stab you all

:fearful: :popcorn:

Garfooled is wolf I am sure, Neon is throwing. If she can’t agree with that, too bad. She just need to flow with the players, not against it.

I have asked you multiple FUCKING times to reword something I don’t understand

You will not do it

So you can die

Honestly if it’ll get Frost and then Neon out, I don’t mind going out

I will admit… the fact gar has only checked people he knows doesnt visit is a bit weird….

I already gave you a fucking will from Atlas/Zorvo, how dcking stubborn are you?

Screaming wolf wolf, wont make me wolf.

No. If we don’t kill Frost we kill Italy

But I don’t want to kill a town.

i’m not quite sure what’s confusing here