for context i saw the names and decided

time for slanker readlist
in my head

I am starting to think May’s lack of anything interesting is more problematic than whatever Jaiden is up to tbh

i remember asking may and they said they weren’t paying attention and will read later
which hasn’t happened yet but
i assume they’ll come back with something

them joining a game, with someone they’re known to bounce off really well, and had reasons to post, and didn’t is
something, i agree, but

its weird, but i could see it

Well anyway here’s why I don’t like Neon for town atm

a) The comment about dick measuring is basically literally a play from their scum game as they described it to me last game
b) I feel as if their tact with me doesn’t jive right with what I would expect for her to approach me with from an uninformed town perspective
c) I think their self-awareness of them not being a top poster comes off defensive like they are bracing for being attacked for it which generally I think comes from scum more than town
d) Neon isn’t really pushing the thread at all, she’s calling stuff bad and poking things but I don’t feel she is her usual driving force self when she does post.

All in all I just haven’t felt a strong town presence from her and a lot of her posts I can very clearly see the scum angle for.

That being said if I die tonight that’s you folks’ problem.

VOTE: olivest

It’s not that it’s hard, it’s that there’s a 50/50 chance every time I open my mouth I talk and people are like “that’s sus Jarek” and then it just keeps happening. The game with memes last game is a perfect example, I did what I thought was right like usual and my reward was stress that wasn’t worth it and seemed to ruin the first part of the game for a lot of people

It wasn’t fun for me, it probably wasn’t fun for anyone else and I just absolutely hate people calling me evil for being me, it’s so annoying.

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Well primarily the fact the post I quoted is like word for word a part they used in a game when i caught them as wolf and they were pissed

But also the emotion feels not towny. And yes I think towny and non towny emotions feel different

Post # on this?

Kindly explain how this is different from anything you’ve seen from me. Thanks.

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whenever you’re done talking to neon can you further elaborate the thing on may
i get why you’re pushing jaiden, just not the other one

Last game in your dealings with Jaiden you felt much more verbose and back and forth.

Just play your game Jarek don’t worry about what anyone else wants from you. Play your game and be towny you did it last game.

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It’s in my ISO and wasn’t that long ago

I think May is a good, active player with insightful angles usually.

She just hasn’t done anything much today, which isn’t so much a “push her 100%” but moreso ‘well that’s certainly not what I would expect for town may to do’

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fair enough
he was less active during d1 of flicker, but eventually piled up steam
but he still
did stuff

Sorry if I appear rude. I am bad at expressing myself.
Did that repeatedly and I’ve pissed off everyone I have known before including my parents.

What game are you referring to that you caught Leafia in?

yeah but you know how it is, probably. Emotions are weird, and that last game was pretty taxing. I didn’t want to really go into it last game because it probably would have gone into AtE or gone too far or whatever but since that’s last game and this is this game I can probably talk about it now

if you don’t apply your thinking in your method, people are going to scumread you
just this time, it’d be for a completely correct reason

Well now that I have cleansed myself of Zorvo fatigue and am actually at my computer let’s go iso the fairy Pokemon~

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